"Bob Davidson is a scientist  a doctor, and for 28 years a nephrology professor at the University of Washington medical school."
He is one of the scientists that signed his name to be included on the Discovery Institutes list of scientists that support ID. He is a devout Christian who believes in God. However after further thought he now realizes he was wrong and has had his name removed from the list. Here are some interesting comments he has made.
"When I joined I didn't think they were about bashing evolution. It's pseudo-science, at best ... What they're doing is instigating a conflict between science and religion"
"the scientific evidence for evolution is overwhelming."
"I'm kind of embarrassed that I ever got involved with this,"
He was shocked, he says, when he saw the Discovery Institute was calling evolution a "theory in crisis."
"It's laughable: There have been millions of experiments over more than a century that support evolution," he says. "There's always questions being asked about parts of the theory, as there are with any theory, but there's no real scientific controversy about it."
"It just clicked with me that this whole movement is wrongheaded on all counts," Davidson said. "It's a misuse of science, and a misuse of religion.
"Why can't we just keep the two separate?"
http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/l ... nny24.html
He is one of the scientists that signed his name to be included on the Discovery Institutes list of scientists that support ID. He is a devout Christian who believes in God. However after further thought he now realizes he was wrong and has had his name removed from the list. Here are some interesting comments he has made.
"When I joined I didn't think they were about bashing evolution. It's pseudo-science, at best ... What they're doing is instigating a conflict between science and religion"
"the scientific evidence for evolution is overwhelming."
"I'm kind of embarrassed that I ever got involved with this,"
He was shocked, he says, when he saw the Discovery Institute was calling evolution a "theory in crisis."
"It's laughable: There have been millions of experiments over more than a century that support evolution," he says. "There's always questions being asked about parts of the theory, as there are with any theory, but there's no real scientific controversy about it."
"It just clicked with me that this whole movement is wrongheaded on all counts," Davidson said. "It's a misuse of science, and a misuse of religion.
"Why can't we just keep the two separate?"
http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/l ... nny24.html