- Apr 10, 2012
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Essentially Dawkins, Krauss, and Harris came from a time period where there was a huge political push of an Evangelical and literalist Biblical view in education. Those named scientists find that a literalist view us not compatable with the sciences. However their criticisms are primarily focused in just a literalist view.I've been considering why there is this big debate between science and Christianity.
One seems to explain HOW things happen, and one seems to explain WHY things happen.
It seems to me there is no conflict.
So why create one?
Why are persons such as Sam Harris, Richard Dawkins, Lawrence Krauss, devoting much of their life to degrading Christianity and trying to convince others to hate religion as much as they do?
At the time (mid 2000s to early 2010s) there was a huge push during the W Bush and Obama Presidencies to include Intrlligent design in science classes. It was not an issue that people believe in God, the issue was that intelligent Design did not meet basic criteria to be included in science curriculum.Why do they feel so threatened?
The main issue with intelligent design is that it's more a critique of several theories and not a oldi theory on its own. The big bang, abiogenesis, the theory of Evolution are based on mechanics that are teachable and testable. Intelligent design was more of a fill in the gap with a very vague concept of "intelligence" that could not be measured. It was/is a God of the gaps style argument. It works better as apologetics than a theory or law on its own.Why is Intelligent Design such a distasteful idea to these persons, who are scientists and should be looking for the truth - whatever it may be.
In evolutionary theory, the eye can be traced back in several instances of starting as photo sensitive cells, to cup eyes,to pin hole eyes, to fluid filled cup eyes, to retractable Cornelia style eyes. The stages are traceable through phylogenetic where the building andodifocations can be seen where mamals adopted the eyes from sautian and aqautic ancesters. The different types of eyes are cataloged back pretty far. Now for cells, it depends on what you are ask8ng for, animal cells, plant cells, single called organisms, multicellular colonies. I'm not as versed in microbiology, but the theory of evolution is based around decent with modification. All h7man cells contain the same DNA usually ( a few exceptions like white blood cells and red blood cells) and epigenetic is where the cells turn the genes on and off to specialize a bone cell from say a liver cells. All animal cells are based on modified cells from our ancestors.I'd like to ask one of our members how the eye can be explained by evolution,
and how the cell can be explained by evolution. Macro evolution.
Retroviruses are traceable and are passed through lineages, and are good markers to trace back ancestry.