The proper advice was to go to the authorities and report the situation. If they had legal action, they would have taken it. Most of the time people who threaten legal action are just trying to manipulate people and control them.
She had broken no laws and there is no legal trouble that could be brought against her.
Even the police would have paged through the phone to try to determine the owner had they come across it.
Lost property is generally public domain until claimed.
This is fairly anti-christian. Violence only begets violence and the bible warns us to follow the laws of our nation. The proper thing to do is to report the issue to the proper authorities and let the law deal with it.
An eye for an eye, and the whole world will go blind.
If you take violence against someone, what is to stop their kin or them from claiming rightful violence against you and your kin claiming rightful revenge against them in return, where does the cycle end?
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