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A thought I had.... "Victory in Jesus"


Fare thee well, Felicia
2024 Supporter
Some seem to have this idea that having "victory in Jesus" means that you are at your best.

But what if that isn't the case?

Maybe your health is poor, you may not feel like you're victorious.... But you are alive, that is a victory. You're holding on, even if it's hard, that is a victory.

Jesus has given you victory, even among hardships that may still exist. Even if you are in the midst of suffering, you are victorious. You're down but not out.

That's my thoughts for the day.
Even though the flesh can give us physical and mental problems it's when we are walking in the Spirit that we do have victory over the flesh no matter how we feel. Our focus needs to always be on Christ and what He has set forth to follow as we walk in His steps and not our own. Even though my own flesh is broken and causes pain I reflect on the day we will be in our new glorified body free from all that the flesh tried to consume us with.

1Co 15:54 So when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption, and this mortal shall have put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written, Death is swallowed up in victory.
1Co 15:55 O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?
1Co 15:56 The sting of death is sin; and the strength of sin is the law.
1Co 15:57 But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.
1Co 15:58 Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord.
Some seem to have this idea that having "victory in Jesus" means that you are at your best.

But what if that isn't the case?

Maybe your health is poor, you may not feel like you're victorious.... But you are alive, that is a victory. You're holding on, even if it's hard, that is a victory.

Jesus has given you victory, even among hardships that may still exist. Even if you are in the midst of suffering, you are victorious. You're down but not out.

That's my thoughts for the day.
We live in a society fond of positivity or whitewash. One doesn’t need to have victory in reality, that is in the real life we face each day. One just looks into the mirror and one says one has victory. Others will cheer you on.

I think it’s too bad because one can never ever identify times when one DOESN’T have the victory so one can do something about it. But it’s really not acceptable to admit one doesn’t. You’ll be told you do even if you don’t see it.
We live in a society fond of positivity or whitewash. One doesn’t need to have victory in reality, that is in the real life we face each day. One just looks into the mirror and one says one has victory. Others will cheer you on.

I think it’s too bad because one can never ever identify times when one DOESN’T have the victory so one can do something about it. But it’s really not acceptable to admit one doesn’t. You’ll be told you do even if you don’t see it.
It's the victory of 1 Corinthians 15.57 that really counts! :)
Some seem to have this idea that having "victory in Jesus" means that you are at your best.

But what if that isn't the case?

Maybe your health is poor, you may not feel like you're victorious.... But you are alive, that is a victory. You're holding on, even if it's hard, that is a victory.

Jesus has given you victory, even among hardships that may still exist. Even if you are in the midst of suffering, you are victorious. You're down but not out.

That's my thoughts for the day.
Daily battle of mine ,PTSD has a wierd thing it does .tied with depression and also drives one into solitude and hating people.

I can easily feed that and
Not want any one around
Daily battle of mine ,PTSD has a wierd thing it does .tied with depression and also drives one into solitude and hating people.

I can easily feed that and
Not want any one around
I don't believe I have PTSD, but my anxiety can be very very similar to what you've described. It tries to convince me that I need to be away from people because no one likes me anyways
I don't believe I have PTSD, but my anxiety can be very very similar to what you've described. It tries to convince me that I need to be away from people because no one likes me anyways
I get those thoughts but as one ages one sees through the fakeness of people .I tend to refuse to find something others like just to find friends (loner) .

Much of mine is from the idea I tend to overwork because I have to and also most aren't into going into old graveyards ,and abandoned right of ways or anything of interest in history ...

The city pd has posted photos of the old fire station,my father in law worked there and I have his photos they want copies and took notice as I commented on accident locations and compared current buildings to then.

Most won't go into that like I will