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According to someone im going to hell for music


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Ok its a new shool year and a I go to a secualr school.A new student came to my class and he was a christian and he sat down right next to my friend and they started to talk.Then my friend told him that I was a christian.So as like anyother christian he would talk to me and learn about eachother.So he asked me what kind of music do I like and I said I like Christian Rock and some Secular rock.Then after I said that he just got mad and said ANYTHING THAT IS ROCK IS WRONG!!!!!!ITS FROM THE DEVIL!!!

Then the thing that shocked me was he said I WAS GOING TO HELL.And I was Like WHAT!?!?!?!The he told me to go to this one website

And so I checked it out and I found the testimonys to be pretty weak .But then I saw the question will listening to Rock music send me to Hell!So i clicked it and it says no i won't.Now why would a christian tell me to go this site when the answer is no?He says that question from the site is wrong and it should say yes.Im not sure whats wrong with this guy but hes telling me im going to hell for some music genre........WWWOOOWWW!!!

I don't see anywere in the bible which music is bad and which music is wrong.Every year people get smarter and new things come along.Im pretty sure that christians were wondering if a piano would be used in chruch.And of course there is a yes and no answer.But now thousands year later not many christians have anything with the piano.

Am I going to hell for listening to a certain music type?Im pretty sure the answer is no......

Oh and he also said listeing to rock or anything rock is a SIN!WHAT!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Is this true?
Hi Marc,

Do not pay any attention to hollow or bigoted statements. If he had an explanation as to why he regards Christian Rock as the music of the devil he would have explained himself, the fact that he did not (even though he considered your salvation to be in jeopady) speaks volumes in itself.

What is Rock music but songs which contain guitar riffs?
If you added guitar riffs to a Hymn or Psalm, would that make them evil Hymns or Psalms fit only for the devil? Of course it would not. Was it the devil who invented the guitar? No! It was man, just like the piano, organ, keyboard and other instruments. When some Christians claim Christian Rock or Rap to be the music of the devil, they have no valid reasons (or to be more precise, if there are any i have not heard them yet), it seems to me that they are simply stereotyping anti-Christian or secular acts and applying there negative images onto God-fearing Christian Rock and Rap artists who in reality have nothing in comman except the fact that they sing and use guitars.

If you want a more detailed reply from me then look at the last page on the thread below entitled 'Christian Rap' were we discuss Christian Rap and Rock.

There are some on this forum that regard Christian Rock and Rap as evil music but they seem to be the minority. You will never be able to get everyone to agree on this point but you will be able to weigh up the arguments for and against this type of music and decide for yourself (personaly, i think the argument against Christian Rock is rather weak and i intend to listen to Rock and Metal music....forever!)

PS-i do not see anything wrong with secular Rock so long as it is not anti-Christian or devoid of decent morals.

Feel free to PM me if you want to discuss anything in paticular about Rock music with some one who wont condemn you as an advocate of the devil!

God bless
Paul teaches us that there are sins that are sins for everyone (like lying or stealing or killing someone), but then there are things that the Spirit lays on some of us and not others. These things are sins for some people, but not all. It's quite possible that his spirit is not strong enough to endure listening to rock (Christian or otherwise) without compromising his walk with God. It could be that that is what his parents engraved in him from the time when he was young. Go with what the Lord lays on your heart, and pay no attention to his ramblings. When in doubt, pray about it!
Thanks guys,

What about the people against christian rock/rap what do you think about what this guy said.Do you think im going to hell?Dow you think it is a sin?
I personally am not uplifted or brought closer to God by Christian Rock, or even some of what is called "normal" Christian music.

Particular styles of singing even classical hymns sound insincere to me, and seem even to be a shallow caricature of those grand old hymns.

In spite of these "prejudices", I would never condemn anyone to hell for choosing these genres.
I am not the judge, and neither is this person who condemned you.

If you are genuinely attempting to draw near to God through music, then do so. If I cannot draw close to God though the Christian rock which you enjoy, then I can choose the kind that will help me to draw closer to Him.

It's amazing --- the wide variety of "Christians" one encounters. I once encountered a small group who condemned me to hell because I doubted the word of a woman from the group who claimed she had not sinned for 25 years.
If someone tells you that you're going to hell for listening to any kind of music, they're full of it.
I've met numerous people like that. I have and probably always will have this fascination with the musical works of Pink Floyd. I understand they're secular and not Christian in any way, but the music always soothes me and I've grown to get to where I can't sleep without one of their albums playing. Now, they're the only secular band I listen to. I mean, I love Christian Rock, I'm always jamming out to some Sanctus Real, Skillet, etc. or I might have some tobyMac or Kirk Franklin playing. But every now and then, I listen to the Floyd.

I really didn't find this to be a problem until one of my head pastors (we call her Pastor Mom) confronted me about wearing a Floyd shirt to church one night. She looked me in the eyes and said that I was advertising for Satan. That that music put a hole in my soul big enough for Satan to get through. She told me that I would hunger for what I feasted on.

I, of course, find this completely irrelevant to musical influence. I believe that as long as you don't let secular music have an influence or grasp on you, then carry on your merry way. At the same time, I do believe that a lot of people find it hard spiritually, to keep a firm foundation in God while they listen to secular music.

No, I'm not saying bands bashing God are correct, I'm just stating that secular music doesn't condemn you to Hell.
Isn't the only way to hell is to reject Christ as savior? I showed him this page and he said that people here in this forum that listens to christian rock/rap/pop/country (CCM) is on their way to Hell piano was made in the 1 first century and im pretty sure that people were arguing if it should be used in church and now it is and people don't have a problem with it.Hymes were comtemporary in the bible days...........
Marc2x said:
Isn't the only way to hell is to reject Christ as savior? I showed him this page and he said that people here in this forum that listens to christian rock/rap/pop/country (CCM) is on their way to Hell piano was made in the 1 first century and im pretty sure that people were arguing if it should be used in church and now it is and people don't have a problem with it.Hymes were comtemporary in the bible days...........

No, you can be a Christian and still go to hell. We all sin from time to time but if we are truely sorry and repent, we will be forgiven. It is when we repeatedly sin and take Christs forgiveness for granted that we risk condemning ourselves.

Maybe you should tell him to study his Bible in more detail. Christ specificly tells us not to judge others, and if we do judge others then he will judge us with twice the measure that we use against others. If he continues to condemn us as sinners destined for hell because we listen to Christian Rock (notice the word 'Christian'?), then i'm afraid it is HE who is headed for hellfire not us!!

My advice to you would be (Christian or no Christian) you should stay away from this guy. You are young and in the early stages of your walk with Christ, the last thing you need is this guy messing with your mind.

Btw, has he given you an actual reason yet why Christian Rock is sinful?.......thought not.

God bless
Could be that person heard about Jimmy Page and his life style then compared that style of music to Christian Rock....

Crowley's Large Influence Upon Rock Music (and it's fans)

Lest you think that Aleister Crowley (born Edward Alexander Crowley, 1875-1947) was just some crazy fool that no one took seriously, think again. Crowley has had a large influence upon modern rock music. Unbeknownst to most Americans, much of the Hellish music which they idolize was written and sang by devout followers of Crowley and his Satanism.

Guitarist Jimmy Page of Zeppelin is a devout follower of Satanist, Aleister Crowley, who proclaimed himself as "The Beast 666". Aleister Crowley was also a 33rd and 97th Degree Freemason and is recognized as the master Satanist of the 20th century. In 1971, guitarist Jimmy Page bought Crowley’s Boleskine House on the shore of Loch Ness where Crowley practiced his hellish, satanic sex-magick rituals, including human sacrifices. Guitarist Jimmy Page actually performed Crowley magical rituals during their concerts. Their song "Stairway to Heaven" carries the reference "May Queen," which is purportedly the name of a hideous poem written by Crowley. Page had inscribed in the vinyl of their album Led Zeppelin III, Crowley's famous "Do what thou wilt. So mete it Be.’ Page and Robert Plant claim some of Zeppelins' songs came via occultic "automatic handwriting," including their popular "Stairway to Heaven."

The cover of the Sergeant Pepper's album by the Beatles showed a background of, according to Ringo Starr, people "we like and admire" (Hit Parade, Oct. 1976, p.14). Paul McCartney said of Sgt. Pepper's cover, ". . . we were going to have photos on the wall of all our HEROES . . ." (Musician, Special Collectors Edition, - Beatles and Rolling Stones, 1988, p.12). One of the Beatle's heroes included on the cover of Sgt. Pepper's was  the infamous Satanist, Aleister Crowley! Most people, especially in 1967, did not even know who Crowley was  but the Beatles certainly did.

Marc2x said:
No he just tells me to go to sites like and says its a sin because of its bad history,which is stupid because when rock came along around the 1950s no one had a problem with it until the 70s were it started to go "Bad".

To judge anything by its history is bigoted and unChristian. If Christ judged us by our history then we would all go to hell. Rock (not Christian Rock) may have a chequered past but then SO HAS CHRISTIANITY!!! Much evil has been done in 'Christs name' but that does not make Christs words anything less than what they are....or do they? I'll leave that for all who are 'anti-Christian Rock' to answer.

As far as Jimmy page and Led whatever is concerned: what if Jimmy Page and his band decided to release a new Gospel or Choir album with satanic overtones, would that make Gospel or Choir music evil through assosiation?

Personaly, i'm in my twenties and have never listened to a Led Zeppelin or Beatles album and i never will. This is simply the negative stereotyping of Christian bands with the image of non or anti-Christian bands, the last time i checked: stereotyping is WRONG which also means it is a SIN!

God bless
Could be that person heard about Jimmy Page and his life style then compared that style of music to Christian Rock....

Crowley's Large Influence Upon Rock Music (and it's fans)

Lest you think that Aleister Crowley (born Edward Alexander Crowley, 1875-1947) was just some crazy fool that no one took seriously, think again. Crowley has had a large influence upon modern rock music. Unbeknownst to most Americans, much of the Hellish music which they idolize was written and sang by devout followers of Crowley and his Satanism.

Guitarist Jimmy Page of Zeppelin is a devout follower of Satanist, Aleister Crowley, who proclaimed himself as "The Beast 666". Aleister Crowley was also a 33rd and 97th Degree Freemason and is recognized as the master Satanist of the 20th century. In 1971, guitarist Jimmy Page bought Crowley’s Boleskine House on the shore of Loch Ness where Crowley practiced his hellish, satanic sex-magick rituals, including human sacrifices. Guitarist Jimmy Page actually performed Crowley magical rituals during their concerts. Their song "Stairway to Heaven" carries the reference "May Queen," which is purportedly the name of a hideous poem written by Crowley. Page had inscribed in the vinyl of their album Led Zeppelin III, Crowley's famous "Do what thou wilt. So mete it Be.’ Page and Robert Plant claim some of Zeppelins' songs came via occultic "automatic handwriting," including their popular "Stairway to Heaven."

The cover of the Sergeant Pepper's album by the Beatles showed a background of, according to Ringo Starr, people "we like and admire" (Hit Parade, Oct. 1976, p.14). Paul McCartney said of Sgt. Pepper's cover, ". . . we were going to have photos on the wall of all our HEROES . . ." (Musician, Special Collectors Edition, - Beatles and Rolling Stones, 1988, p.12). One of the Beatle's heroes included on the cover of Sgt. Pepper's was  the infamous Satanist, Aleister Crowley! Most people, especially in 1967, did not even know who Crowley was  but the Beatles certainly did.

Im not sure if your answer is a yes im going to hell or not?
Were talking about christian rock not secular.And don't bash on it because of its bad history please?We got a 100,000,000,000,000,000 times worse history than rock.

We are taught in scripture to examine "ourselves" whether we are in the faith....

II Corinthians 13:5 Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith; prove your own selves. Know ye not your own selves, how that Jesus Christ is in you, except ye be reprobates?

Marc2x, did I know that one of the sites he told you to visit was :-?

Personally, I listen only to Christian music, including a lot of hard rock (Project 86 and such) since I know there won't be swearing or any other vulgarities. I really do think that Christians need to be careful what they put into their minds since that is largely where spiritual warfare is won or lost. People act on what they believe so whatever has a great influence in one's life and beliefs, whatever one fills their mind with, must be examined closely.

I find a lot of secular music has lyrics that are garbage but there are some Christian bands which are garbage, albeit for different reasons. However, there are some secular bands that do have very thought provoking lyrics, some that are longing and searching for truth and for answers, dealing with hurts. It is those bands' lyrics which not only tell you the spiritual longings of the wider culture, it can be a good starting point for evangelism. Understanding a culture and its hurts is vital to being effective in giving Christian answers.

So, no, you are not going to hell. But be very careful what you let into your mind.
Marc2x, did I know that one of the sites he told you to visit was

Personally, I listen only to Christian music, including a lot of hard rock (Project 86 and such) since I know there won't be swearing or any other vulgarities. I really do think that Christians need to be careful what they put into their minds since that is largely where spiritual warfare is won or lost. People act on what they believe so whatever has a great influence in one's life and beliefs, whatever one fills their mind with, must be examined closely.

I find a lot of secular music has lyrics that are garbage but there are some Christian bands which are garbage, albeit for different reasons. However, there are some secular bands that do have very thought provoking lyrics, some that are longing and searching for truth and for answers, dealing with hurts. It is those bands' lyrics which not only tell you the spiritual longings of the wider culture, it can be a good starting point for evangelism. Understanding a culture and its hurts is vital to being effective in giving Christian answers.

So, no, you are not going to hell. But be very careful what you let into your mind.

Yes thanks.I know a sripture that says somthing like what you just said

Matthew 15:11-Not that which goeth into the mouth defileth a man; but that which cometh out of the mouth, this defileth a man.
heatherentz said:
Paul teaches us that there are sins that are sins for everyone (like lying or stealing or killing someone), but then there are things that the Spirit lays on some of us and not others. These things are sins for some people, but not all. It's quite possible that his spirit is not strong enough to endure listening to rock (Christian or otherwise) without compromising his walk with God. It could be that that is what his parents engraved in him from the time when he was young. Go with what the Lord lays on your heart, and pay no attention to his ramblings. When in doubt, pray about it!

Soory I haven't logged in for awhile.Can you tell me wear Paul teaches that?Im just so sick of other christians telling me how to run my life.................


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