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America in the flesh


Amos 5:14) Seek good, and not evil, that ye may live: and so the LORD, the God of hosts, shall be with you, as ye have spoken.

How much has America as a whole, as a nation abandoned and threw out the biblical principles that it was founded on? At what magnitude has this country, the great, the land of the proud, abandoned the principles of God? Seek the good is something that this country has lost site of and despite the fact that America regards itself as a Christian nation, the majority don’t act like what they profess. Out of the frying pan and into the fire. America is the frying pan and hell is the fire, but many won’t recognize that until it is too late! In a nation where corruption is taken lightly, where evil is glanced upon and even winked at by many, a place where the dollar is king and seems to be the prime focus, the prime drive and motivation of many, where the temporal focuses are put primary and spiritual focus takes a back seat, o how we forgot to seek the good not in material fulfillment, but in the nourishment of the soul and its edification. We need to seek God and be separate not physically but spiritually away from and apart from all the immorality. Seek the God of host whose mercy endureth forever, whose judgment is upon all the earth. How can we seek God and hold on to that which He hates? If we hold on to evil then aren’t we in turn loosing the good, losing our soul to damnation and hell?

Galatians 5:24) And they that are Christ's have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts.

Now what does it mean to crucify the flesh, it means to abolish, to get ride of, to wipe out and crush the deeds that are linked to the flesh and we are given sharp warnings of the such in the bible that “they that are Christ's have crucified the flesh†and what it means if one still abides in the flesh. (Romans 8:13) “For if ye live after the flesh, ye shall die: but if ye through the Spirit do mortify the deeds of the body, ye shall live.†The ways of the Spirit are in direct contrast with the ways of the flesh so in turn if one is submitting to the fleshy deeds, then isn’t one resisting the Spirit of God and His working? “if ye live after the flesh, ye shall die†is in direct contrast to the life in the Spirit which is life and peace. No wonder Paul said “This I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh†(Galatians 5:16). Now is this always easy, no because “the flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh†(Galatians 5:17), but by leaning to and depending on God in prayer, by His word heeding and listening to Him, we can keep our flesh under control. In a fleshy world where evil is glorified and promoted by society, magnified and utilized to twist, conform to infiltrate and penetrate into the truth, to blend the lies into the truth, can we not lean to God and submit to fleshy ways and prosper, I think not.

So in an illustrious society characterized by evil, conformed to wax worse and worse according to the scripture (Matthew 24:12) “And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax coldâ€Â, we must weather adversity and be compelled by the grace of God to stand on our principles regardless of our surroundings or our circumstances because we are Christians and follow God our Father, and our Lord Jesus Christ. (Proverbs 17:17) “A friend loveth at all times, and a brother is born for adversity.â€Â

Let’s call the situation as for what it really is, perilous times, a time where there is spiritual famine in the world, a time where billions are being destroyed spiritually having the wrath of God resting upon them because they choose not the “gift of God†which “is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.†(Roman 6:23) This is just the plain truth, we all can do it, the fact of the matter is that it depends on whether one chooses to break free from the world and is willing to “touch not the unclean thing†and is willing to be received by God. Many want to have eternal life but are not willing to separate themselves or part themselves from the evil that is in their worldly life to conform to the spiritual life in Christ. We must turn to the Lord and our back to iniquity and by no means purposefully hold on to it lest it become a snare upon us.
Why do some consistently single out an entire country instead of addressing those within the Body itself that have forsaken their first love??? This "America is the center of all that is wrong in the world" is getting boring. What about the many European nations who have just about completely abandoned their Christian roots?

What about addressing the pride and deceitfulness in the hearts of Man? News flash: The USA is not the root of all evil. :gah
copper25 said:
Amos 5:14) Seek the good is something that this country has lost site of and despite the fact that America regards itself as a Christian nation, the majority don’t act like what they profess.

America, itself, professes "freedom of religion". I don't think the majority of Christians WORLDWIDE act like what they profess. Why did you have to include ONLY America? Geeze!
As far as religion is concerned, Europe is in a far worse state. I know I've said this before, but Christians in America should consider themselves blessed. I'm looking from the outside-in and I would be proud to live in America.
I tell ya what, I may not hold much respect for our government and it's practices, but this country is one nation, under God and it's citizens, I wouldn't hesitate to lay down my life in a second to fight to protect this country/land/people/freedom, and our soldiers who have laid down their lives in giving us these beautifuls blessings. I may not be proud of our government, but I am so very proud of this country and the freedoms it holds. But this government is a never ending story of constantly voilating those freedoms our soldiers sons/daughters/mothers/fathers fought and gave their lives for as "We the People".

And I tell you one thing, run your mouth all you want about this government, and I wont have a thing to say till the cows come home. But put down this country and all it's beauty's, and you might get whopped up side the head with one of those cows! This is one country that when I traveled through it in my years, I have seen such a bounty of God's blessings in it. There's been times that I've stood on the side of a road in tears at what I viewed and could have banked my life that God lived there. I've seen so much beauty that out weighs any amount of ugly I've seen in my life happen in the states. And I tell you what, I've traveled the B.W.I. and the Carribean many many times, and yes it's beautiful and I enjoyed myself tremendously. But when I came back home and even on the plane recognizing that familiar land looking out the window, I start to cry at being so thankful that the United States is my homeland. And as soon as my husband pulls up in the driveway from the airport, the first thing I've always done (germs or no germs) got down on my knees and kissed the ground, and say thank you Lord.
Vic C. said:
Why do some consistently single out an entire country instead of addressing those within the Body itself that have forsaken their first love??? This "America is the center of all that is wrong in the world" is getting boring. What about the many European nations who have just about completely abandoned their Christian roots?

What about addressing the pride and deceitfulness in the hearts of Man? News flash: The USA is not the root of all evil. :gah

Agreed. IMO, this is the same mindset, embraced by the Western church, that singles out gays for special bashing. It's nothing more than a false form of spirituality, where those doing the mud-slinging gain a sense of moral superiority over their men who have (unfortunately) succumbed to the wiles of the devil. :sad