look up "Evidence for God" on google, and tell me how MANY results you got."
"Why are you avoiding the evidence? Why are you scared of accepting the Gospel?"
"There's 2 ad infinitum's i saw in evolution: 1. the common ancestor may have evolved from a thing that evolved from a thing... and so on. and another: how many transitional forms? what's between a monkey and a man? a monkeman. and whats between a monke&monkeman, and monkeman&human ? a monkemonkeyman and a monkehumanhuman, and so on. It's no better than the aliens creating aliens thing."
""other beliefs claim to have evidence, why else they believe?"" response: "Oh, so you ADMIT that there IS evidence after all? I'm glad you are humble and smart enough to realize this. It's a "sin" in the athiest "religion" to accept this FACT."
' Hitler believed in evolution. Like from monke to man. He was simply following the logical final outcome of evolution. If God was "fake", and there are 'high evolved human' and 'low evolved human', then why care about the 'low'?? Just because someone uses God's Name occasionally does NOT mean someone follows His commands. Athiests utter 'oh my G' like it's nothing in tvshows and IRL on a regular basis, sadly. The "Christian hitler" argument is one of the weakest arguments EVER. Also, see stalin and other dictators. They followed God-less ideologies, and lok at the rotten fruit those ideologies produced.'
New design argument: Life was obviously created by God. Computer code relies on metal circutry and life's code relies on chemical dna. If you cannot see the similarity, you are deluding yourself. If you keep BELIEEEVING that life is just a bunch of accidents, you are only fooling yourself and confirming Romans 1:20-24. Please accept Christianity as it is more logical, which i have just shown here.
Lazy athiesm: Athiesm really is a position of ignorance. It's also a position of intellectual laziness!! They are usually like 'oh, i don't have to prove my claim, you have to prove yours' as if lack of evidence alone is enough to reject the Gospel Truth which is so much better than worthless athiesm!! So they can't attack, only intellectually retreat & be lazy, so YOU have to do all the thinking YOURSELF. Little or no thought on the noGodist's part! And a youtube commenter called 'logical athiest' is parroting the UNTRUTH that is 'aThiEsM iS tHe MoSt LogiCaL poSitItoN!1!'. The Bible and observation say otherwise, obviously!!
Athiests typically are angry and ragey, and have a 'look down on the thiests' pride attitude. If God was "fake", then WHY are they so angry and devoted to their athiesm? They write whole books, attack Christians verbally and physically, and blog against Christianity and thiesm. You'd be hard pressed to find anyone who lacks belief in, say, 4 foot tall gummy worms that want to take over all the planets in our solar system, trying to tell anyone that 'there are no 4 ft tall gummy worms with an agenda', or writing books and blogging about their lack of belief or disbelief in 4ft tall gummy worms. God exists, if He "didn't" , athiests wouldn't be so hyped up about Him and trying to win over converts. Yes, converts. Oh, and you don't usually see space alien rejecters treat space alien believers anywhat similar to how athiests treat Christians. I don't know of ANY world leader who has done horrible things because of their belief or lack of or disbelief in ET space aliens. That's athiesm that produces the rotten fruit. But what is the point of their athiesm? They should know by now that if they were 'right', nobody will care and they'll fade away. But if they are wrong, they will meet eternal fire. THEY chose that destiny, even though God let them live. Why are they soooo proud as to waste their life on athiesm that does NOTHING to TRULY benefit them? Athiests are typically devoted to their athiesm, but yet they CLAIM that it's not a religion. Observation contradicts this CLAIM.
atheist's alleged reliance on empiricism and materialism as sole basis for knowledge and reality can be seen as self-undermining. But the philosophical principles of empiricism cannot be empirically verified themselves, creating a logical paradox.
Additionally, some have argued that atheism's rejection of objective moral truths is problematic, as it makes the atheist's own moral condemnations of things like cruelty or injustice incoherent - if there are no objective moral standards, then such judgments have no grounding.
Another potential selfrefuting element of atheism is the difficulty of accounting for the emergence of human consciousness, reason, and agency within a purely materialistic framework. The argument is that these uniquely human attributes seem to transcend the physical world in ways that challenge atheistic explanations.
They use their free will, that is enabled by the soul, to reject the fact of the soul's existence! Double self defeat!
Blind faith: Illogical Fathiests believe from faith that theres "lack" of evidence for God. They cant prove yet they believe.
Athiests uncaused 1st cause: physics, apparently.
they sometimes believe in an eternal dumb universe but not an Eternal Creator Who knows all and created the universe?? truly crazy and shows human drive for sin.
Human & chimp epigenetic markers very dissimilar. Use cell apoptosis and cell checkpoints to demolish evalooshun.
Athiests're like polythiests. creator gods: time, chance, physics. service god: themself. Naturalism IS a religion; it is an organized set of beliefs. Religions do not need to involve a supernatural to be a religion.
Can athiests define the phrase "evidence of/for God"?? If they can't that's like a kid saying 'there is no fish' when he doesnt know what a fish is.
"Sadly, belief in evolution can erode people’s God-given ability to appreciate beauty because they reject beauty for beauty’s sake. <comment note. If God was "fake", then WHY is it rejecting Him, of all ideological things, that erodes beauty appreciation? Hmmm, mabye it is because humans were MADE to have God in their lives! Evolution nor naturalism have ANY explanation, so far, of this phenomena. More bad fruit of athiesm/naturalism! Cast off chainthiesm, accept Freedom in Jesus! The Gospel is correct and beneficial.> Charles Darwin admitted that he had lost his natural, childlike appreciation for beauty. He said: “I have said that in one respect my mind has changed during the last twenty or thirty years. I have also almost lost my taste for pictures or music . . . . I retain some taste for fine scenery but it does not cause me the exquisite delight which it formerly did.”4
In contrast, belief in creation increases a person’s appreciation of beauty because that person knows beauty is the work of a loving Creator. This is what the hymnist George Wade Robinson said of beauty: “Heaven above is softer blue, Earth around is sweeter green; something lives in every hue Christless eyes have never seen: birds with gladder songs o’erflow, flow’rs with deeper beauties shine, since I know, as now I know, I am His, and He is mine.”" Source: ans. in Genesis .org
What even IS the point in trying to beat around the bush about beauty?? Why are you so scared to admit beauty in creation is from God?? If you insist on rejecting God in light of fact after fact, you are NOT following facts, but foolishly deluding yourself with NoGodism. Psalm 14:1 and Romans 1:20-24 are proven RIGHT, as usual.
“Supposing there was no intelligence behind the universe, no creative mind. In that case, nobody designed my brain for the purpose of thinking. It's merely that when the atoms inside my skull happen, for physical or chemical reasons, to arrange themselves in a certain way, this gives me, as a by-product, the sensation I call thought. But if so, how can I trust my own thinking to be true? It's like upsetting a milk jug and hoping that the way it splashes itself will give you a map of London. But if I can't trust my own thinking, of course I can't trust the arguments leading to Atheism, and therefore have no reason to be an Atheist, or anything else. Unless I believe in God, I cannot believe in thought: so I can never use thought to disbelieve in God.” - C.S. Lewis. Athiesm the "most logical" position?? Well, this quote rips that claim apart!!
"no God demonstrated to exist!!" Response: What do you mean by demonstrated? Your thoughts haven't been demonstrated to exist, yet you believe they are real. Same with big bang. And why do you ASSUME that demonstration is the only way to prove something?
"It's a clear case of religion making good people do bad things."
Sounds like that is EXACTLY what the religion of secular humanism (aka self idolatry) & naturalism ("only the physical is real") are doing! Also, how you know what is good and bad if God's fake and you're just a monkey??
"Christian love is exactly why Missions like mercyships and international fellowship of Christians and Jews exist. But your opinion obviously trumps reality, & everything that disagrees with you is hate.
"I guess I should say all of scientific consensus. "
Is this all you have? That's called the appeal to authority fallacy.
"Reality is NOT a democracy in which we can vote on what's real and what's fake!"
"And you're very deluded if you think scientists make distinctions between how things work and how they originate."
Of course they don't these days, because they fallen prey to ASSUMING that the cosmos is all there is & that the universe & life MUST have a natural only explanation. THEN, they make conclusions BASED OFF THAT.
" Like, we know how mountains originate and it has basis in what we know about how tectonics works. These things are tied very often.""
"Why are you avoiding the evidence? Why are you scared of accepting the Gospel?"
"There's 2 ad infinitum's i saw in evolution: 1. the common ancestor may have evolved from a thing that evolved from a thing... and so on. and another: how many transitional forms? what's between a monkey and a man? a monkeman. and whats between a monke&monkeman, and monkeman&human ? a monkemonkeyman and a monkehumanhuman, and so on. It's no better than the aliens creating aliens thing."
""other beliefs claim to have evidence, why else they believe?"" response: "Oh, so you ADMIT that there IS evidence after all? I'm glad you are humble and smart enough to realize this. It's a "sin" in the athiest "religion" to accept this FACT."
' Hitler believed in evolution. Like from monke to man. He was simply following the logical final outcome of evolution. If God was "fake", and there are 'high evolved human' and 'low evolved human', then why care about the 'low'?? Just because someone uses God's Name occasionally does NOT mean someone follows His commands. Athiests utter 'oh my G' like it's nothing in tvshows and IRL on a regular basis, sadly. The "Christian hitler" argument is one of the weakest arguments EVER. Also, see stalin and other dictators. They followed God-less ideologies, and lok at the rotten fruit those ideologies produced.'
New design argument: Life was obviously created by God. Computer code relies on metal circutry and life's code relies on chemical dna. If you cannot see the similarity, you are deluding yourself. If you keep BELIEEEVING that life is just a bunch of accidents, you are only fooling yourself and confirming Romans 1:20-24. Please accept Christianity as it is more logical, which i have just shown here.
Lazy athiesm: Athiesm really is a position of ignorance. It's also a position of intellectual laziness!! They are usually like 'oh, i don't have to prove my claim, you have to prove yours' as if lack of evidence alone is enough to reject the Gospel Truth which is so much better than worthless athiesm!! So they can't attack, only intellectually retreat & be lazy, so YOU have to do all the thinking YOURSELF. Little or no thought on the noGodist's part! And a youtube commenter called 'logical athiest' is parroting the UNTRUTH that is 'aThiEsM iS tHe MoSt LogiCaL poSitItoN!1!'. The Bible and observation say otherwise, obviously!!
Athiests typically are angry and ragey, and have a 'look down on the thiests' pride attitude. If God was "fake", then WHY are they so angry and devoted to their athiesm? They write whole books, attack Christians verbally and physically, and blog against Christianity and thiesm. You'd be hard pressed to find anyone who lacks belief in, say, 4 foot tall gummy worms that want to take over all the planets in our solar system, trying to tell anyone that 'there are no 4 ft tall gummy worms with an agenda', or writing books and blogging about their lack of belief or disbelief in 4ft tall gummy worms. God exists, if He "didn't" , athiests wouldn't be so hyped up about Him and trying to win over converts. Yes, converts. Oh, and you don't usually see space alien rejecters treat space alien believers anywhat similar to how athiests treat Christians. I don't know of ANY world leader who has done horrible things because of their belief or lack of or disbelief in ET space aliens. That's athiesm that produces the rotten fruit. But what is the point of their athiesm? They should know by now that if they were 'right', nobody will care and they'll fade away. But if they are wrong, they will meet eternal fire. THEY chose that destiny, even though God let them live. Why are they soooo proud as to waste their life on athiesm that does NOTHING to TRULY benefit them? Athiests are typically devoted to their athiesm, but yet they CLAIM that it's not a religion. Observation contradicts this CLAIM.
atheist's alleged reliance on empiricism and materialism as sole basis for knowledge and reality can be seen as self-undermining. But the philosophical principles of empiricism cannot be empirically verified themselves, creating a logical paradox.
Additionally, some have argued that atheism's rejection of objective moral truths is problematic, as it makes the atheist's own moral condemnations of things like cruelty or injustice incoherent - if there are no objective moral standards, then such judgments have no grounding.
Another potential selfrefuting element of atheism is the difficulty of accounting for the emergence of human consciousness, reason, and agency within a purely materialistic framework. The argument is that these uniquely human attributes seem to transcend the physical world in ways that challenge atheistic explanations.
They use their free will, that is enabled by the soul, to reject the fact of the soul's existence! Double self defeat!
Blind faith: Illogical Fathiests believe from faith that theres "lack" of evidence for God. They cant prove yet they believe.
Athiests uncaused 1st cause: physics, apparently.
they sometimes believe in an eternal dumb universe but not an Eternal Creator Who knows all and created the universe?? truly crazy and shows human drive for sin.
Human & chimp epigenetic markers very dissimilar. Use cell apoptosis and cell checkpoints to demolish evalooshun.
Athiests're like polythiests. creator gods: time, chance, physics. service god: themself. Naturalism IS a religion; it is an organized set of beliefs. Religions do not need to involve a supernatural to be a religion.
Can athiests define the phrase "evidence of/for God"?? If they can't that's like a kid saying 'there is no fish' when he doesnt know what a fish is.
"Sadly, belief in evolution can erode people’s God-given ability to appreciate beauty because they reject beauty for beauty’s sake. <comment note. If God was "fake", then WHY is it rejecting Him, of all ideological things, that erodes beauty appreciation? Hmmm, mabye it is because humans were MADE to have God in their lives! Evolution nor naturalism have ANY explanation, so far, of this phenomena. More bad fruit of athiesm/naturalism! Cast off chainthiesm, accept Freedom in Jesus! The Gospel is correct and beneficial.> Charles Darwin admitted that he had lost his natural, childlike appreciation for beauty. He said: “I have said that in one respect my mind has changed during the last twenty or thirty years. I have also almost lost my taste for pictures or music . . . . I retain some taste for fine scenery but it does not cause me the exquisite delight which it formerly did.”4
In contrast, belief in creation increases a person’s appreciation of beauty because that person knows beauty is the work of a loving Creator. This is what the hymnist George Wade Robinson said of beauty: “Heaven above is softer blue, Earth around is sweeter green; something lives in every hue Christless eyes have never seen: birds with gladder songs o’erflow, flow’rs with deeper beauties shine, since I know, as now I know, I am His, and He is mine.”" Source: ans. in Genesis .org
What even IS the point in trying to beat around the bush about beauty?? Why are you so scared to admit beauty in creation is from God?? If you insist on rejecting God in light of fact after fact, you are NOT following facts, but foolishly deluding yourself with NoGodism. Psalm 14:1 and Romans 1:20-24 are proven RIGHT, as usual.
“Supposing there was no intelligence behind the universe, no creative mind. In that case, nobody designed my brain for the purpose of thinking. It's merely that when the atoms inside my skull happen, for physical or chemical reasons, to arrange themselves in a certain way, this gives me, as a by-product, the sensation I call thought. But if so, how can I trust my own thinking to be true? It's like upsetting a milk jug and hoping that the way it splashes itself will give you a map of London. But if I can't trust my own thinking, of course I can't trust the arguments leading to Atheism, and therefore have no reason to be an Atheist, or anything else. Unless I believe in God, I cannot believe in thought: so I can never use thought to disbelieve in God.” - C.S. Lewis. Athiesm the "most logical" position?? Well, this quote rips that claim apart!!
"no God demonstrated to exist!!" Response: What do you mean by demonstrated? Your thoughts haven't been demonstrated to exist, yet you believe they are real. Same with big bang. And why do you ASSUME that demonstration is the only way to prove something?
"It's a clear case of religion making good people do bad things."
Sounds like that is EXACTLY what the religion of secular humanism (aka self idolatry) & naturalism ("only the physical is real") are doing! Also, how you know what is good and bad if God's fake and you're just a monkey??
"Christian love is exactly why Missions like mercyships and international fellowship of Christians and Jews exist. But your opinion obviously trumps reality, & everything that disagrees with you is hate.
"I guess I should say all of scientific consensus. "
Is this all you have? That's called the appeal to authority fallacy.
"Reality is NOT a democracy in which we can vote on what's real and what's fake!"
"And you're very deluded if you think scientists make distinctions between how things work and how they originate."
Of course they don't these days, because they fallen prey to ASSUMING that the cosmos is all there is & that the universe & life MUST have a natural only explanation. THEN, they make conclusions BASED OFF THAT.
" Like, we know how mountains originate and it has basis in what we know about how tectonics works. These things are tied very often.""