Jesus was the Son of God, a flawless....sinless human being made to bear the sins of the world. Having never done wrong, he was crucified.
The act of crucifixion is not only barbaric. Having done some reading in terms of church history, there are some significant details about the death of Jesus that tend not to be looked into.
1. Jesus was hung on a cross, made of wood. The Jews cursed any who were hung upon trees.
2. Jesus was made to carry his own cross, his crime, being one to claim Himself just who and what He was. King of the Jews, the Messiah, their and the world's Savior. On his cross was written: INRI Jesus, King Of The Jews.
Not to mention...the soldiers cast lots for his robe. A crown of throrns was placed on His head. He was punctured in the side with a spear and given bitter fluids to drink as He was mocked while hanging on the cross. The last hours in which Jesus lived were spent in utter torment. He having done NOTHING wrong.
Though none of us can truly place ourselves in His shoes, try to imagine yourself in His shoes. Picture what it must have been like. Having to lay down your life for a world that was to reject you. If that is not torture, I do not know what is.