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Bible Study Angel unto the Church of Sardis



Angel unto the Church of Sardis

With this being Christ messages unto the Angel of the Church of Sardis, this is the sin that God has condemned, but at the same time being very much supported by our top leaders and also our government for their taxes. It has become lawful for our government to make and encourage the making of whiskey and wine, but it has become unlawful for our citizens to make. It has become lawful for our government to come up with the lottery, but it is unlawful for anyone else to come up with any kind of a chance game called gambling.
These are things that are only very unlawful for we the citizen but become very lawful for our government to do these many things, which are destroying God’s own family values. Then what our God has condemned, like homosexual, our government then turns around and tries to support them. This is the same as with our government now also bring in these many false gods over our borders this is with our government approval, but yet with our God condemning false gods – which are not of him.

This is Christ last warning, as our Godhead now making ready for our nation to go into this the Great Tribulations when man shall face this great sickness that shall be coming out of the many acts of Revelation. 3:1-“And unto the angel of the church in Sardis write; These things saith he that hath the seven Spirits of God, and the seven stars; I know thy works that thou hast a name that thy livest, and art dead.â€Â
Now here we find Christ referring to the angel of the Church of Sardis, for now we are living within the last of God’s seventh Spirits. Making up the seven Spirits the time that our country shall exist here on earth. Within this same time limit, when our time shall be fulfilled here on earth. Which represent the seven Spirits of God, when the earth shall be no more.

Rev. 3:2-“Be watchful, and strengthen the things which remain, that are ready to die: for I have not found thy works perfect before God.â€Â
Losing many of our family values, we now find that many of our values are now covered with these plagues of darkness. We now find that alcohol has became legal, thinking that it is okay, as long as they promise that the money is goes for building better roads.
They have brought in the lottery into our many states, thinking that it will be all right, as long as they say that the money will be going for helping our schools. We can find many excuses, but we the individual are the only ones that are now loosing this money, which should be going for our own children’s needs. This is that only a few might become much richer, or that these few might now becomes educated. For it is only our leadership, being the ones mostly benefiting in the long run, this is as long that they might confiscate their own part of the proceeds, and also along with collecting their own part of the taxes.
With our own duties now taking over and are controlling our lives, we also now believe that the Sabbath only now belongs to us. This is that our supervisors has now taken over most of the rest, now this is the only day that many of us have left for ourselves, that we might enjoy the things of the world. We now only live to exercise many of these sins, for now they have only became customary within our everyday living, we no longer like to think of them – as becoming any kind of sin.

Sin that is now covered with this darkness, from man many different kind of excuses. These many allowance that now covers our everyday life, from our many transgressions. We now like to support many of these same plagues of darkness, which came from out of the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah. These same sins which also have now covering our countries of today, they are now becoming our own dark plagues, plagues that we like to overlook, sin that has also became common within our everyday life.
These are also many of the same plagues, that many of the people also wanted the people to also over look back in their day and time. They were also the same cities, which were also then covered by this same spirit of darkness. These are also the same darkness that we find ourselves wanting to overlook today, by not wanting to see them as now becoming the sins, which shall also soon become our own destruction.

We find many throughout our country that think that there is nothing wrong with homosexuality, but here we find a God that is very much against it from the very beginning. We find many of these homosexuals that would like to be accepted as our brothers and sisters, but this can only be without any reunion in Christ. When though Christ he is the only one that can make us brothers and sisters, for this can only be carried out through, or within the goodness and the Holiness of the Godhead.
We find many homosexuals saying that they were born this way, I have never heard of God placing a curse, or a condemnation upon anyone from the way that they had first been born. We find many different kind of birth defects, within our country today. But I have never heard of any of these defects, being cursed as becoming a sin unto or by the will of our Godhead. This was after becoming something or witnessing something, in which they could never overcome from birth.

Then when it comes to abortions, I’m thankful that most of our women think that their children are one of their greatest blessings, in which their own lives or body ever had to offer or produce. Then we still also find many other women that think that their greatest blessing, is only when they should also have total control over their own body, this is even when it comes to sins that Satan only had to offer, by turning from the will of our Godhead.
This is when they are the one and only ones, which has gone too far from their own earthly pleasure. Now findings themselves having to miss using their body for murder, with their bodies belonging to God, by once being their temple unto God. This is even when it now came to performing murder, committing the killing of their very own child; a child that they will someday find themselves having to face, as they stand before the Throne of God on judgment.

Then we also have many professionals or doctors, which have taken an oath that they might persevere the life of each and every individual. When it comes to abortion, many doctors have gone against their own oath that they have given unto their own occupation; an oath in which they took while becoming a doctor.
Then we find these doctors along with many women, who are willing to stand up and ask the people to support their cause, even if their act has now became the murderer of their own child. Then when the people stand up in protest, then they think that this is discrimination against them and their cause, a cause that is nothing but murder.

Rev. 3:3-“Remember therefore how thou hast received and heard, and hold fast, and repent. If therefore thou shall not watch, I will come on thee as a thief, and thou shalt not know what hour I will come upon thee.â€Â
3:4-“Thou hast a few names even in Sardis which have not defiled their garments; and they shall walk with me in white: for they are worthy.â€Â
We find many things going on in our country even today, that would build up our family values, but we never once hear any of these things being taught from any of our education systems. They only go after the corruption that is facing our country, a corruption that can only destroy.

Thanks and God Bless You