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Another Brother


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Hello brothers and sister in Christ, as well as others who may be reading this post who don't share our faith in Jesus Christ. I was looking for a place to communicate truth and found this forum. I have been a Christian for a year and half, despite growing up in a church and family with relatively "good" morals for most of my life. I finally put my faith in Jesus, and God has been leading me into a greater knowledge of himself and his character. He has indeed shown me that he is Holy and Perfect. Through the mirror of his word and my short comings, I believe it. These first months of my walk have been a pursuit of truth in which I have sought out theology and the study of his word to build on top of the foundation of Jesus. I discovered that I have to be careful not to think of the gospel as an evangelistic tool only, but to focus on it everyday for myself and for others. I have discovered that I must preach the gospel to myself or I will fall into despair, rebellion, bitterness, or confusion. I realize that I have much to learn and that pride lurks at the door. We must humble ourselves to receive God's grace in our lives and remember that our identities lie solely in how God has told us that he sees us in his word. That is, in Adam or in Christ. I am a child of God with his righteousness gifted to me. I know I have to stay there in my mind and heart as I grow. Feel free to send encouragements, prayer requests, or discussion topics to me.
Welcome HumbleOurselves to in Jesus' name. Please feel free to dig right in the different forums and threads available to you here, and I hope to read what you have to say soon. Blessings in Christ Jesus.
Hello brothers and sister in Christ, as well as others who may be reading this post who don't share our faith in Jesus Christ. I was looking for a place to communicate truth and found this forum. I have been a Christian for a year and half, despite growing up in a church and family with relatively "good" morals for most of my life. I finally put my faith in Jesus, and God has been leading me into a greater knowledge of himself and his character. He has indeed shown me that he is Holy and Perfect. Through the mirror of his word and my short comings, I believe it. These first months of my walk have been a pursuit of truth in which I have sought out theology and the study of his word to build on top of the foundation of Jesus. I discovered that I have to be careful not to think of the gospel as an evangelistic tool only, but to focus on it everyday for myself and for others. I have discovered that I must preach the gospel to myself or I will fall into despair, rebellion, bitterness, or confusion. I realize that I have much to learn and that pride lurks at the door. We must humble ourselves to receive God's grace in our lives and remember that our identities lie solely in how God has told us that he sees us in his word. That is, in Adam or in Christ. I am a child of God with his righteousness gifted to me. I know I have to stay there in my mind and heart as I grow. Feel free to send encouragements, prayer requests, or discussion topics to me.

Hi, how are you doing HumbleOurselves? great screen name! :) good to see you here. God bless His Word to you.
hi, and welcome. you sound like you have a very good foundation. i hope you'll find more as you continue with us.


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