I use turmeric to get rid of bloated stomach and too much bacteria from too much sugars and carbohydrates. (I’m hooked on junk food and sometimes I just eat too much of it. NOT GOOD. because my knees give me swelling problems when I do and my joints start to ache) Turmeric is great for cleansing the colon also. I just make a rice flavored turmeric. But
be careful turmeric is a diuretic, don't take too much of it. The trick in using natural cures is to know what your body can tolerate, how much to take for your own system. Too much is not good. If a tiny dose doesn't do the trick then increase in very small increments so as to not go overboard. Also in using natural cures, the timing is curcial also, one can't expect immediate results and as far as when the results do show is dependant upon the type of ingredients you are working with and what measure and what frequency.... spices are to be used carefully. because in reality spices can cause symptoms that act counter to something else, taking too many diuretics at one time can dehydrate you, make you constipated. There are even some natural cures that can affect your blood sugars, and even blood pressure, so please. be careful.
I just worry about giving advice on natural cures because like I said above, you must know what the cause is before you go ahead of with a remedy and I would always advise to make sure it's not a critical condition that you don't know about or how to treat. Guessing at what you have might not be the best thing to do. Knowing what you have what brings it on, diabetes, liver problems.... etc... those are serious conditions that should not be treated without knowing exactly how. I would find a good doctor who is not against natural cures, but prefers them over synthetic medicines. Holistic doctors need to be tested also.... I've run into some that were not very reputable. so be careful. You might find a good holistic doctor through references from your local health food stores or look for specialists in the field. Be careful of quacks. There are too many out there!
Spices and vitamins do need to be used in moderation and correctly also. Testing the ph balance of your urine is important. if too acidic or too alkaline... then adjustments need to be made. And if it’s too dark or strong in odor then you are not drinking enough water. Although taking vitamins will darken the urine a bit... but the odor will not be strong if you are eating right and drinking enough water.
Treating one self with the natural cures is not so simple a thing... you must learn what measures your own body needs. And, yes, like Tim said previously, never go overboard.
If there is anyone here reading this that might want to try natural cures.... please be careful. I agree with Tim, too much is not always the best thing to do. And staying hydrated is important.
Another word of caution please... if you are taking any type of medication or even aspirine.... do not overdo on taking natural cures... you should always ask your pharmacist if a diurectic or a certain amount of a natrual treatment will interfere with other medications your doctor may have prespcribed for you. Yes.... some diuretics deydrate you and can cause constipation... as do some medications that doctors prescribe. Please be careful... always make sure you are not causing reactions in your body that are being coutered by something else you are taking...
Always get professional advice before anything.
Reading up as much as possible on natural cures for any particular situation is always best. Better to have more than enough knowledge than not enough.
Geez, Don’t mean to bring confusion, just some information for taking precautions.
I just hope you find what works for you Ed.