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Any thought on Skepticism?



When the news reports an event, look for more than just their report; When your friends tell you a story, ask questions and find facts; When you see a post on Facebook, Google for an explanation; When someone in your church tells you an interpretation on scripture, open your bibles and go to God in prayer to find out for yourself!

Too much gossip is spread these days. We accept too much as truth without testing for accuracy. The bible tells us in 1 Thessalonians 5: 21 to test everything that is said. This means that you need to make sure that you are spending time finding out the truth before you go and spread the word yourself. Without skepticism in our lives, we can be led astray from the truth very quickly. We can end up lost in gossip, spreading lies, and eventually, destroying our own credibility.

We are challenging you today to become a skeptic in this world. To be willing to dive into your bibles, to ask God for wisdom, and to seek the truth in all you hear!

I added this to my blog tonight. All feedback is appreciated.
I've come to pretty much the same conclusion, and try to follow it. Even my old pastor used to say to always listen to the Bible over him.
Absolutely. Check everything out. Lot of false practices and teachings out there that are just made up teachings of men with no biblical background, or examples.
If its not taught in the Bible then ask yourself why? If your told to do something, look for it in your Bible for a clear no if's or but's example. 2 Timothy 3 v 16
The bible is true so to know if something is true the bible is the first place I start. I also think one can be over skeptic where they start to doubt everything including the bible and God and this exterme is as bad as believe anything you hear.
The bible is true so to know if something is true the bible is the first place I start. I also think one can be over skeptic where they start to doubt everything including the bible and God and this exterme is as bad as believe anything you hear.

The Bible will always be subject to individual interpretation. Just look at the diffence of opionion among Christians on this site. Hence I have come to the following conclusion: I am not sceptical to God or to the bible, but I am definately sceptical to my own understanding of them.
The nobility of skepticism is pure humbuggary. It was the inhabitants of the city of Berea who were singled out by the Holy Spirit because they sought to prove what was being taught. And sure, we may try to jump on the Scrooge bandwagon with our lamentations and cries about too much naivete in the world, too many gullible, too easily swindled, but in context of prophecy, we are told to test prophecy, not test everything that is ever said and certainly not to be negative to the point of skepticism. We are challenged to understand that Love itself looks forward to rejoicing with the truth, it hopes all things(!), and also proves prophecy by testing to see if it may be "Yes!" that IS the word of God.

The campus president of the Skeptics Society (I wish I would have thought to call them the "SS" but that would have been inappropriate and negative, so I'm glad I didn't) would often stroll around the college grounds and enter into discussions with the unwary where he would challenge and seek to disprove and debunk various concepts such as, 'Mother Theresa is a good person', or (and of course) that any rational person could believe that God exists. He had a dozen or so pet thesis's that he'd trot out for others. The theme was seen by me to be, "I'm smart," and "You're not," in every case. I challenged him and stated that taking a position that sought to prove what was being taught has not hurt me. "The truth will out," I told him and explained that I could seek to argue from the side of my opponent in order to find what was good and to hold that fast.

He would have none of it.

Love doesn't brag (Student Skeptics do), is not proud (Student Skeptics are),

Love doesn't behave itself inappropriately, doesn't seek its own way, is not provoked, and love takes no account of evil. The challenge isn't to remain skeptical it is to become like a child and learn to trust, to be wise like a serpent, *yes*, but to remain harmless and peaceable and gentle and pure while doing so. Keeping oneself spotless in this modern age of "advanced knowledge" is the true task.

I've come to pretty much the same conclusion, and try to follow it. Even my old pastor used to say to always listen to the Bible over him.
This is the heart of it! Does the quest driven one not love her pastor? I know she does. She also is diligent to prove what is being taught and like the good soil, accepts the seed, but not the weed, and acts on the truth as it is taken into her heart and proven to be good by the fruit of uprightness that grows in her sight.

Pardon me for singling you out there, Quest, and I know that you are one of many here, one of many, many... still there are some who will wish to join the SS in their efforts to trot out their pet theories and speak as if they too were the sole font of prophecy. We are told to test these things, not told that we must debunk them or convince their authors otherwise, as you know.
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Yeah, I agree with the picture posted about skepticism, but I'm not always as nice as I could be about it. I guess that's because I take the stance that a lot of institutional error is deliberate rather than error from honestly searching something out. I think most people who read the medical posts here know my "skepticism" and sometimes downright impatience of the medical field, and I'm focusing more that way on government and church institutions as well.

Then again, I may just be turning into a cranky old man. :lol
Good point. I was just trying to put together all of your writings! I've been super tire the passed few days so I'm not thinking as good as usual!
Maybe it's good to be "skeptical" in the way that we are cautious about what we believe when we hear it, but we don't always need to be like the president of the Skeptics Society and go around arguing and fighting with everyone that we think we can disprove in some way just so we can have the enjoyment of being "the one who is right". I would think a lot would depend on the subject and how much it could help or harm people too as to whether or not we should step in and say something or just decide for ourselves and keep it to ourselves.
I am told to work out my salvation with fear and trembling,not anyone else's,most get upset when somebody questions something or someone they don't or when somebody accepts something or somebody they don't
All these thoughts make sense to me and please know that my part of this conversation is not expressed in opposition but rather in entertainment of and enjoyment of these others who also contribute to our meal shared.
I am skeptical of reality all together; cognition is fluid and ever changing. We are all a small part of a large cosmic reality. Trying to perceive God's will could be likened to the micro-organisms living inside of us; doing their parts and completely unable to perceive our wills. As long as they are doing their jobs, the host benefits. Perhaps I should be more focused on 'doing my job' (whatever that may be). The Earth is our host, perhaps I should be less harmful to the Earth so it will benefit. I am skeptical of anything that does not benefit our host.
i thought you guys would be bashing skepticism in this thread but then i understood what was going on, when someone said to take out your bible the first thing when you hear about something and check if its alright. let's say someone wants to be skeptical of the bible, do you have to use another version then or...?

if i was skeptical of the bible i'd use an ikea catalogue to check. :yes
I was just at the local public library and lo and behold, what did I find? The Skeptic's guide to the Bible. Of course it was written to the 'Born Again Skeptic,' but I did think of you, taikina, when I saw that there, in the public library, this fine Spring day.

lol "born again skeptic"

you guys should give it a read, disproving it entirely might strengthen your faith. :p