Dave Slayer
May I please have some thoughts on the following statemenys by David Stewart? Thanks and God Bless!
It is WRONG for believers to be unequally yoked together with unbelievers or wayward religions like the Assemblies of God. I would rather be divided over truth than to be united by error. The Apostle Paul addressed the carnality of the church at Corinth...
The church of Corinth was your first unofficial Charismatic, Assemblies of God, Pentecostal, Apostolic Faith...church. They were an entertainment church, much like the Pentecostals churches today with their musical bands, speaking in tongues, healing services, etc. It is unfortunate when churches have to deteriorate into entertainment centers to attract new members. They try to "spectacularize" Christianity. This is why the Assemblies of God religion is so popular, it offers a lot of entertainment (a lot of weird entertainment I might add).
The carnal believers in the Corinthian church were trying to reproduce the gift of tongues but they weren't in any spiritual condition to see any gifts of the Spirit. What they needed was a Billy Sunday revival. 1st Corinthians 3:1 tells us that they were carnal. This church was in bad shape, a house divided. Some said they were with Apollos. Others said they were with Paul. Still other's were claiming to be with Cephas (1st Corinthians 1:12). They were suing each other, eating meats offered to idols, allowing open adultery within the church. Should it be any surprise that they were also caught up in a speaking in tongues heresy. The speaking in tongues practiced by the Charismatics, Pentecostals and Assemblies of God are of the devil.
Source: http://www.jesus-is-savior.com/Wolves/a ... of_god.htm
It is WRONG for believers to be unequally yoked together with unbelievers or wayward religions like the Assemblies of God. I would rather be divided over truth than to be united by error. The Apostle Paul addressed the carnality of the church at Corinth...
The church of Corinth was your first unofficial Charismatic, Assemblies of God, Pentecostal, Apostolic Faith...church. They were an entertainment church, much like the Pentecostals churches today with their musical bands, speaking in tongues, healing services, etc. It is unfortunate when churches have to deteriorate into entertainment centers to attract new members. They try to "spectacularize" Christianity. This is why the Assemblies of God religion is so popular, it offers a lot of entertainment (a lot of weird entertainment I might add).
The carnal believers in the Corinthian church were trying to reproduce the gift of tongues but they weren't in any spiritual condition to see any gifts of the Spirit. What they needed was a Billy Sunday revival. 1st Corinthians 3:1 tells us that they were carnal. This church was in bad shape, a house divided. Some said they were with Apollos. Others said they were with Paul. Still other's were claiming to be with Cephas (1st Corinthians 1:12). They were suing each other, eating meats offered to idols, allowing open adultery within the church. Should it be any surprise that they were also caught up in a speaking in tongues heresy. The speaking in tongues practiced by the Charismatics, Pentecostals and Assemblies of God are of the devil.
Source: http://www.jesus-is-savior.com/Wolves/a ... of_god.htm