I'm secure in what God is saying to me.
There is something that needs to be pointed out. The first is that the Holy Spirit does indeed speak to us. The second is that reading is not hearing.
Now it would not be unusually and in fact should probably be expected that the Holy Spirit would talk to you while you read your Bible. It probably was Him you told you to read it in the first place, but still reading the Scriptures is not the same thing as hearing Him. You should be seeking to hear from Him while you read the Scriptures!
It is very important to be able to differentiate between reading the Scriptures and knowing the voice of the Holy Spirit for several reasons.
Salvation is one of the reasons. One of the problems we read about in the Bible is where people were reading the Scriptures instead of seeking the voice of the Lord. Jn 5:39 You search the Scriptures because you think that in them you have eternal life; it is these that testify about Me; and you are unwilling tom come to Me so that you may have life.
I'm not saying that "LovethroughDove" has that problem, but it was and still is a problem that can be seen. The Jews at that time thought they were good with God because they read and studied the Scriptures, but it was heaven but hell they were heading for. So we don't want to confuse people on such an important issue.
And then there is knowing Jesus Christ via the Holy Spirit for all that He has for us today. This is not just a question of what happens after you die but eternal means from now on.
Prov 2:6 For the Lord gives wisdom; from His mouth come knowledge and understanding.
It is not just about when you are reading the Bible it is about all aspects of our life. When you go shopping at the store, do you ask the God for wisdom, knowledge, and understanding about what to buy????
Jesus said He would never leave you, and He said He stands at the door and knocks and if anyone hears His voice and opens the door..
We just don't get it. The Lord wants to help us in all we do, and we somehow think He is only when we read our Bible or perhaps when we go to church. There is something written about praying (having communication back and forth) with God unceasingly I personally find Him very weird because He doesn't think like I do, but He is awesome.
There are so many times I could tell about, but it comes to mind now about the time I wash Christmas shopping with Him. He told me to get a fold up card table for my mom. I was telling Him that He was crazy. A card table for my mom. That was a stupid Christmas gift, and besides she has one. I had seen it. Still, He is God and I am not so I bought it. I was so embarrassed that when I got to me brother's house, where we were getting together, that I ask me mom to come to my car because I didn't want to give it to her in front of the family.
My mom knows the Lord well, so I told her that I felt the Lord had asked me to get her it, but what do I know. She laughed so hard when she saw it. And she told me that her old card table was sitting inside my brothers house right now, In fact, she had just got done giving her old card table to my brother because he had been using his house for a number of parties and he needed a fold out card table for them. So God had given her a brand new card table because she had just given her old one away.
That is the God we have!! He is not just to be sought after while reading a Bible or going to church, but He is a personal God that is ready, willing, able, and desiring to have a personal relationship with us in all we do. That is our message!! It is not that we have a Bible to read about Him and hear Him talk to us through it; it is that we have Him if we would just open the door to Him who is knocking at our door with His voice. It is not that we read, it is that we hear just like it is written>
Ps 81:11 But My people did not listen to My voice...
Ps 81:13 Oh that My people would listen to Me,...
Is 1:2 Listen, O heavens, and hear O earth; For the Lord speaks
Is 3:3 ... But Israel does not know, My people do not understand
This was the problem in the past. They read. They had the Scriptures. But His people didn't understand, they did listen to the Lord who speaks! I'm not saying in particular person has that problem, but I hear Him talking to me. He first words to me were "Read Your Bible" but He is not the Bible, He is the One who talks to me about it, and talks to me about my sons soccer team, about what to get at the store, about how to run my business better, and any other part of my life. And it gets incredible.
Like recently when He had me go to a place where I had information He had given me about a stomach problem a person had. I asked about it and it was a problem so we prayed and God healed it. You can find out God heals people in the Bible but how are you going to get the words of knowledge to know where He wants you personally to go, and what He wants prayed for and when if you can't personally hear from Him beyond the reading the words in the Bible? The Bible is nice, but it is putting what is written into action and it is written to listen to Him.