i have heard some say that after christ died they status with man was restored but i don't see any scripture for this. i see plenty to the contrary though.
the apostles still spoke like man was still the ruler over the woman. they taught that the woman was to obey their husbands and to learn in silence as also sayeth the law, which that is because the woman was not given a place in the old testament and that continued into the new testament
sarah who was abraham's wife was still to be the womans role model and example for christian women.
the apostles still spoke like man was still the ruler over the woman. they taught that the woman was to obey their husbands and to learn in silence as also sayeth the law, which that is because the woman was not given a place in the old testament and that continued into the new testament
sarah who was abraham's wife was still to be the womans role model and example for christian women.