Drew said:
veteran said:
And another thing, understanding about the "house of Israel" and the "house of Judah" from God's Word, especially in today's time, is important for understanding endtime Bible prophecy.
Agreed. And part of that understanding involves recognition that neither the term "Israel" nor the term has a single, universal meaning. Sometimes the term "Israel" denotes the 10 tribes, sometimes it denotes all 12. Similarly, sometimes the term "Jew" denotes the "2 southern tribes", and sometimes it denotes all 12.
It may suit some poster's agendas that this ambiguity were not present. But it is.
veteran said:
And it's quite obvious that understanding is lacking with all the false prophets out there teaching that today is Christ's Kingdom already come on earth,...
What is obvious is that insisting on one universal meaning for each of these terms sustains that otherwise unBiblical view that Jesus is not already enthroned over the earth.
And lets be clear: There are many texts that support the reigning kingship of Jesus that do not depend on how the terms "Israel" or "Jew" or "Judah" are read.
Per Bible history, the term Jew never applied to the ten tribes of Israel. The term came from the sole tribe of Judah, and applied only to those tribes under Judah at Jerusalem, and the people in Judea. Note what the Jewish historian Josephus said about the origin of the term Jew.
"You know, O Jews, that God hath kept our fathers, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, in mind continually; and for the sake of their righteousness hath not left off the care of you. Indeed, he hath assisted me in gaining this authority of the king to raise up our wall, and finish what is wanting of the temple. (170) I desire you, therefore, who well know the will our neighboring nations bear to us, and that when once they are made sensible that we are in earnest about building, they will come upon us and contrive many ways of obstructing our works, (171) that you will, in the first place, put your trust in God, as in him that will assist us against their hatred, and to intermit building neither night nor day, but to use all diligence, and to hasten on the work, now we have this especial opportunity for it." (172) When he had said this, he gave order that the rulers should measure the wall, and part the work of it among the people, according to their villages and cities, as everyone's ability should require. And when he had added this promise, that he himself, with his servants, would assist them, he dissolved the assembly. (173)
So the Jews prepared for the work: that is the name they are called by from the day that they came up from Babylon, which is taken from the tribe of Judah, which came first to these places, and thence both they and the country gained that appellation.["The Antiquities of The Jews, The Works of Josephus translated by William Whiston (1667-1752), (Hendrickson Publishers, Peabody, MA,1987), Book 11/ Chapter 5, p.297.]
That proves the term Jew is not "universal" when the correct history is looked into, and also reveals some would instead rather heed the many revisionist histories that men's traditions have devised to support their false doctrines.