ASEBES in Greek means = ungodly men. Jude verse 4 to 6. How many churches are teaching revelation, or about fallen angels. Are the shepherds lying their sheep by not preparing them for the coming locust army. Many churches have failed to teach the truth about what happened in garden of eden. Many denominations won't teach who the kenites are . How will sheep understand parable of Matthew chapter 13, parable of the tares and wheat. The tares are kenites and wheat are stock of abraham, seed of abraham.. angels at 7th trump will gather the wheat and separate the tares. The kenites are offspring of satan. Eve had twins, two different fathers. One seed is satan, and other seed is of Adam. Are many churches neglecting to teach this. The congregation needs to know the beginning. Who's coming at the 6th trump ??. Are people mentally prepared for the super natural ??.