Psalm 90:
God is self-existent, Wiki:
Before God created anything, God was self-sufficient. He did not need anything or anyone.
God created space-time and everything in it. Take the air away, I die. I need to breathe to stay alive. God cannot die due to lack of air because he existed before he created air. God's existence does not depend on anything in his creation, not even space-time. God existed outside of time. God is timeless.
John 1:
2 Even from everlasting to everlasting you are God.
God is self-existent, Wiki:
Aseity (from Latin ā "from" and sē "self", plus -ity) is the property by which a being exists of and from itself. It refers to the Christian belief that God does not depend on any cause other than himself for his existence, realization, or end, and has within himself his own reason of existence. This represents God as absolutely independent and self-existent by nature.
Before God created anything, God was self-sufficient. He did not need anything or anyone.
God created space-time and everything in it. Take the air away, I die. I need to breathe to stay alive. God cannot die due to lack of air because he existed before he created air. God's existence does not depend on anything in his creation, not even space-time. God existed outside of time. God is timeless.
John 1:
3 All things came into being through him, and without him not one thing came into being.