"A new evangelistic movement has emerged... Yet this effort does not spring from those loyal to a particular faith or religious view," says the research group Barna:
http://www.barna.org/FlexPage.aspx?Page ... dateID=272
It behoves Christians to understand clearly the arguments which able communicators such as Christopher Hitchens and Richard Dawkins are using (though if you are young in the faith, or feeling a bit wobbly, do treat these books and websites with a health warning.) Here are extracts from Hitchen's new book 'Why Religion Poisons Everything':
http://guide.gospelcom.net/offsitelink? ... imesonline
- and an interview with Hitchens:
http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/commen ... 882305.ece
Bible verses on Richard Dawkin's website? Yes, but only in an article reposted from the London Times, which features an interview with Olympic triple-jumper Jonathan Edwards and his sad and we trust temporary loss of faith. Note the level of rejoicing from site visitor comments:
"A new evangelistic movement has emerged... Yet this effort does not spring from those loyal to a particular faith or religious view," says the research group Barna:
http://www.barna.org/FlexPage.aspx?Page ... dateID=272
It behoves Christians to understand clearly the arguments which able communicators such as Christopher Hitchens and Richard Dawkins are using (though if you are young in the faith, or feeling a bit wobbly, do treat these books and websites with a health warning.) Here are extracts from Hitchen's new book 'Why Religion Poisons Everything':
http://guide.gospelcom.net/offsitelink? ... imesonline
- and an interview with Hitchens:
http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/commen ... 882305.ece
Bible verses on Richard Dawkin's website? Yes, but only in an article reposted from the London Times, which features an interview with Olympic triple-jumper Jonathan Edwards and his sad and we trust temporary loss of faith. Note the level of rejoicing from site visitor comments: