I'll do what I can to explain.
AWANA stands for "Approved Workman Are Not Ashamed." based on 2 Timothy 2:15. It is a childrens program that kind of merges the ideas scoutng with the ideas of the old RA's and GA's.
Basically, at least how my churches works, children from 4 years old, on up until 6th grade, come once a week to gather for AWANA. They will have different sessions for games, scripture memorization, and lessons from the Bible. The shildren are broken down into three groups based on age. Cubbies is for 4-5 year olds, Sparks is for k-2nd grades, and TNT(Truth in Training) is for 3rd-6th grades. They generally tend to offer special occassion around the year such as a Parents night, the Awana Grand Prix(similar to Boyscout's Pinwood derby), and seasonal events like a birthday party for Jesus.
All in all, it is generally a well structuresd program for children to attend.