Anyone suffer from lower back pain? I straight my back while weightlifting and playing volleyball back in February. I went to the chiro for a few weeks and towards the end he was hurting me a lot more so I stopped. I finally went to an orthopaedic and he put me on Celebrex to calm the inflamation. I went through and Xray and MRI and when I went back to get the results and the ortho never gave me a straight answer. The Celebrex did help some (but it made my hair super oily...ew...) but I decided to just use Aleve when I was have a bad pain day.
So my question is...does pain ever go away? Will I ever go back to feeling normal? I still play and lift (unfortunately not as heavy) but will I ever have a comfortable day ever again?
So my question is...does pain ever go away? Will I ever go back to feeling normal? I still play and lift (unfortunately not as heavy) but will I ever have a comfortable day ever again?