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Back Sliders Anonymous



Anyone else find it seemingly impossible to stay on track sometimes? I'm a a 22 year old Soldier in the Army and this environment can seem down right poisonouse at times. I'd love any advice on what you guys do to keep on the narrow path, especially from anyone who feels absolutely saturated with unproductive temptation at times.
I think one of the best ways to get off of backsliding is to understand that the greatest problem is how we prepare ourselves for living in the life we do. I can only imagine how rough the armed forces can be for a Christian. However, we can still equip ourselves for whatever enviroment we encounter by simply understanding what the enviroment does that send us backwards. If we struggle with the temptations accompanied by lust, we need to be honest enough to face that and struggle daily against that.

I'm sorry to say that I do not know of one sure fire way that is easy to do, but I do know that the more we strive to set our minds on God, the better we can do.

It may help me and others who respond to know wat you already do to take care of your heart.
Well hmm!

I found out, the closer(draw) that you get to God the more he'll protect you more and help you.

So pray and read everyday and it be good to fast sometimes. This will help you a lot :)

Also I'm suppose to go in the army soon!:) God bless and keep up the faith young man.
I think it's important to remember that the Lord doesn't try to keep us from doing certain things just for the sake of keeping us from doing certain things. He knows that some things will lead to painful consequences. There are certain things I used to do (in my wild days) that I don't do anymore because there were painful consequences. Perhaps trying to imagine the consequences of certain actions and doing what you can to avoid them would help you resist temptation. (not that I am a pro at avoiding sin; I'm definitely not. But I learned the hard way (and am still learning) that some things just lead to no good!)
Murph258 said:
Anyone else find it seemingly impossible to stay on track sometimes? I'm a a 22 year old Soldier in the Army and this environment can seem down right poisonouse at times. I'd love any advice on what you guys do to keep on the narrow path, especially from anyone who feels absolutely saturated with unproductive temptation at times.

Are there any other Christians in your unit? :salute
I'm sure you're smart enough to know what you would definitely regret in the future. If something comes up just stand up for yourself and voice your opinions.
Im speaking of the theology of this. I hope this helps. Although we may "backslide'" "stumble" "fall away" from God, for a true spirit led Christian, it is never fatal. The reason I say this is because (this is a reformed view) God always brings back his children to saving grace. (Isiah 55:11 meaning God dosent revoke his word; Gods word is effectual.) I am not advocating the phrase "Once Saved Always Saved" that is a misleading phrase (meaning we cant hide behind a sinners prayer to continue in sin), but I am advocating that the true Christian will be brought back to repentance by the love and mercy through Christ. If we are baptized into his death and ressurected in the same likeness and by the same power (the Holy Spirit) as Christ was ressurected. Btw im not saying this just for discussing theology and speiling about abstract thinking but for encouragement in times of sin and "backsliding." Application: You know you are in grace since you have convictions.
Ive said all that just to say that to remember when facing temptation always remember that Christ died and fulfilled the law and merited your salvation thus enabling you to pray against temptation through Christs name and scripture and Christs righteousness will support you in struggling against all temptation "No temptation has overtaken you but such as is common to man; and God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will provide a way of escape also, so that you will be able to endure it." 1Corinthians 10:13 All in all rely on Christs righteousness to see you through in the midst of temptation. sorry for length. lol