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Baptism Doesn't Save You.

The day I got baptised I was saved from sitting through church. Being 8 at the time I thought that was awesome.
Baptism ALONE doesn't save you!

BUT...without baptism, you aren't saved!

If you believe the scriptures, that is!

In Christ,

It's amazing to me that a speaker can use as his text a verse which states that baptism saves you, and then give a talk which denies that very statement.
It does not make sense that baptism saves you, if it were true my friend who was baptized as a baby is saved even though he never accepted Jesus. All he did was get wet.

I still think Mark Driscoll is on the ball i would like to see if there is indeed an error.
Pogo said:
Baptism ALONE doesn't save you!

BUT...without baptism, you aren't saved!

If you believe the scriptures, that is!

In Christ,


Then Jesus lied to the man on the cross when He said, "Today shalt thou be with me in paradise." ? The man had no opportunity to be baptized, and as an unbeliever he would have had no reason to be baptized before being crucified.

Baptism has NOTHING whatsoever to do with salvation. It is something we do AFTER we're saved as a sign that we ARE saved and now choose to follow Christ. It is meant to be our first act of obedience after salvation.

Jesus did not lie to the thief on the cross along side Him!

At that precise time, Jesus had yet to die, be resurrected, return, and establish the New Covenant here on earth.

The thief died under the Old Covenant, which did not require baptism for salvation.

Plus, you state that the thief was not a believer, how do you know this?

My Bible tells me that baptism has MUCH to do with salvation!


Infant baptism is not scriptural!

Before being baptised, one must hear the Gospel, believe what s/he heard, confess this belief before others, and then repent of their sins.

Only THEN can one be properly baptized!

An infant is unable to perform any of these necessary steps!

Until a child reaches an age of accountability, they will be found innocent upon death.

Also, I don't have a high-speed internet conection, so I can't watch the video clip. But, it doesn't matter what the video clip teaches, if it agrees with the topic of this thread then it conflicts with much scripture...and therefore, it is seriously flawed!

In Christ,

Someone mentioned the baptism of infants. That is not baptism. The Bible itself defines baptism so why not stay with that?? As for me I will will stand on the inspired apostle Peter's statement in I Pet.3:21. I have not seen the video nor do I intend to, why should we be interested in anything but what the Bible teaches???
duval said:
why should we be interested in anything but what the Bible teaches?
The Bible is sufficient for faith and conduct, but what about solving the riddle of anaphoria, making a cheesecake, or modifying a Java application? The Bible is insufficient for solving these problems.