When the end comes, not the end but the collapse of the world precluding the end, when rape, pillage and murder run rampant in our streets, when people are starving and dying around you what will you do. The bible says something like the lord is watching for those that are prepared to be used, could this not also mean if you are the one with medical supplies, you have done your homework on how to survive for long periods with little water (or foul water), you have the extra hand tools that most people would not buy since power tools, and these are just a few ideas, but if you have the means to help the people not prepared for the end, unbelievers, then with the love and good you can do, a great crop of followers can be sown. We as christians have been given signs that were given not only to prove we were right hahaha everyone god is real, no we were given these to lead others to christ, to feed clothe and care, and in turn do as jesus taught and save the souls of so many lost. Please in the name of the lord prepare yourself and famlys for the times to come so that you can be a beacon of hope and faith to the masses. Your holy father loves you and gives you these fortellings to help you , but you must have faith and help yourself.