As I'm sure you all know, either through experience or hearing it from somewhere, college is a place of very high tolerance. Campuses (at least all that I know of), are areas of free speech and this has led to many clubs and protests being done for causes such as the gay rights, among others. As a Christian college student, do you personally find yourself becoming more and more tolerant to things like this simply because of the environment you are in? How do you reverse this?
**And by reversing being "tolerant," I do not mean hate on people; it is simply meant to mean that you do not concede to agree that gay marriage is an okay thing to do. Love everyone, but you don't have to support their actions and give everyone high fives for doing it their way and that's OKAY. That is not the outlook to have.
**And by reversing being "tolerant," I do not mean hate on people; it is simply meant to mean that you do not concede to agree that gay marriage is an okay thing to do. Love everyone, but you don't have to support their actions and give everyone high fives for doing it their way and that's OKAY. That is not the outlook to have.