johnny botwright
Normaly its only the elite who boast they survive, because they are prepared for any thing,
· We are all in range, no one is imune, life as we know it can change very quickly, be it a flood, heat wave, big freeze, snow,a virus, war, terrorism, solar, financial, ect ect,
if you are left with out power, electricity, clean water, food, just basic things we often just take for granted.
if food and water becomes contaminated, ect
is it prudent to make some kind of preparation, just in case, the unexpected turns up on our door step,
some say to prepare spiritualy for coming events, fine.
how could we prepare praticaly. ?
growing your own food, rearing animals, chickens for eggs, fuel and water supply, a months supply of food to help in the short term.
That just may give us the edge, johnny
· We are all in range, no one is imune, life as we know it can change very quickly, be it a flood, heat wave, big freeze, snow,a virus, war, terrorism, solar, financial, ect ect,
if you are left with out power, electricity, clean water, food, just basic things we often just take for granted.
if food and water becomes contaminated, ect
is it prudent to make some kind of preparation, just in case, the unexpected turns up on our door step,
some say to prepare spiritualy for coming events, fine.
how could we prepare praticaly. ?
growing your own food, rearing animals, chickens for eggs, fuel and water supply, a months supply of food to help in the short term.
That just may give us the edge, johnny