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Bible Study Bible Marking


I mark in all but one of my Bibles, it helps me remember where different points are found. The following was written by DL Moody, hope you enjoy.

Bible-marking should be made the servant of memory; a few words will recall a whole sermon. It sharpens the memory, instead of blunting it, if properly done, because it gives prominence to certain things that catch the eye, which by constant reading you get to learn by heart. It helps you to locate texts. It saves preachers and class-leaders the trouble of writing out notes of their addresses. Once in the margin, always ready.

There is a danger, however, of overdoing a system of marking, and of making your marks more prominent than the Scripture itself. If the system is complicated it becomes a burden, and you are liable to get confused. It is easier to remember the texts than the meaning of your marks.


1. Scripture references. Opposite Gen. 1:1 write, "Through faith. Heb. 11:3," because there we read, "Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God." Opposite Gen. 28:2 write, "An answer to prayer, Gen. 35:3." Opposite Matt. 6:33 write, "1 Kings 17:3" and "Luke 10:42," which give illustrations of seeking the kingdom of God first. Opposite Gen. 37:7 write, "Gen. 50:18," which gives the fulfillment of the dream. You can connect the prophets with the historical books, the epistles with the Acts, in this way.

2. Notes to recall a sermon, story, or hymn. Against Ps. 119:59,60, I have written, "The prodigal son's epitaph." This recalls John McNeill's sermon on those texts.

3. Railway connections; that is, connections made by fine lines running across the page. In Dan. 6, connect "will deliver" (v.16), "able to deliver" (v.20), and "hath delivered" (v.27). In Ps. 66, connect "Come and see" (v.5) with "come and hear" (v.16).

4. At the beginning of every book, a short summary of its contents, something like the summary given in some Bibles at the head of chapters.

5. Key-words for books and chapters. Genesis is the book of beginnings; Exodus, of redemption. The key-word of the first chapter of John is "receiving"; second chapter, "obedience"; and so on.

6. Any text that marks a religious crisis in life. I heard Mr. Meyer preach on 1 Cor. 1:9, and he asked his hearers to write in their Bibles that they were that day "called unto the fellowship of his Son Jesus Christ our Lord."
Good post!

I have several Bibles, almost all marked or highlighted, often with different "schemes" I started and then forgot! :-?

However, like you JM, I have one Bible which I got soon after I came to the Lord (late 1999) and it has not yet been marked.... I am not sure if that is subconscious or not.

Gary said:
Good post!

I have several Bibles, almost all marked or highlighted, often with different "schemes" I started and then forgot! :-?

However, like you JM, I have one Bible which I got soon after I came to the Lord (late 1999) and it has not yet been marked.... I am not sure if that is subconscious or not.


I keep giving away my unmarked Bibles, it's getting expensive! :lol:
Hi, John here:
I to have chain referenced whole bible studies, & highlighted my bibles. They look like a CHRISTMAS TREE! :fadein: (gone through several in my 36+ late years)

I only buy the K.J. for my use, (others for some comparable study only) with the large center margin, which gets filled up & then have to use the left side & right side of the Word. I also use one translation because of several reasons, the paramont one 'for me' is that it is to hard to remember verses that are all differant in wordings. :oops:

Another use that I had done in years past (early years of preaching) was to take an envelope and cut the corners off about 3/4 inch in, as a equal three sided triangle, and then put it on the 'minor prophet' (+) top right corner of the page (hard to find ones) by fastening a small paper clip on the corner of the page to hold it on. then it did not take long to find a few verses if needed. :wink: This was taught me by a preacher friend of mine.
Wow, amazing how we find this necessary in order to 'build' or attempt to 'complete' the puzzle, huh?

I have one Bible that is a complete and utter mess to anyone but me. I'm quite sure that anyone else finding this 'rag tagged and torn' book would think that whoever owned it had NO respect for books at ALL. Quite the contrary though, it had been and continues to be the BEST FRIEND that I have ever had, (second of course to our Father and His Son, I think you will know what I meant though).

I have others that are unmarked and a few others that have been marked as well, but none with the LOVE that is contained within 'my friend'.
I've just recently started marking my King James Bible. I got a 24 different coloured pens to underline with but I doubt I'll use all of the colours. This is my scheme so far:

Blue: UR ;-)

Red: Sheol, Hades, Gehenna, Tartaroo

Green: God's Sovereignty over Man's mythical "Free-Will."

Pink: Love
Gendou Ikari said:
I've just recently started marking my King James Bible. I got a 24 different coloured pens to underline with but I doubt I'll use all of the colours. This is my scheme so far:

Blue: UR ;-)

Red: Sheol, Hades, Gehenna, Tartaroo

Green: God's Sovereignty over Man's mythical "Free-Will."

Pink: Love


I wouldn't be able to keep up. lol
JM said:
Gendou Ikari said:
I've just recently started marking my King James Bible. I got a 24 different coloured pens to underline with but I doubt I'll use all of the colours. This is my scheme so far:

Blue: UR ;-)

Red: Sheol, Hades, Gehenna, Tartaroo

Green: God's Sovereignty over Man's mythical "Free-Will."

Pink: Love


I wouldn't be able to keep up. lol
Quote: Green: [God's Sovereignty over Man's mythical "Free-Will."]

Sure you would! :wink: ---John
I too have the habit of amrking my bibles. Infact I just bought a new ESV bible today and can't wait to get out my crayons.

Gendou Ikari
Are you a Mason?
Very cool post!
I have a 17 year old KJV that has almost everything in it highlighted in some fashion. It was then that I began using small slips of paper and sticking it in the pages where the verse is that it pertains to.
(Christian comedian Mike Warnke says: You can tell I am saved. I got stuff stuck in my Bible)
Then I found Computer software that allows you to make notes. I started out with QuickVerse 2.0 many years ago. A DOS program. It finally outgrew my computer. When I got this computer last Christmas, one of the first things I did was pick up a new QuickVerse program. It has a program where you can keep notes attached to verses or topics; however the program does not work right, and the software folks do not answer their phone or e mails.
:smt102 Any suggestions on how to make notes in the margin of your computer Bible?
I only have marked my KJV Bible, I have not marked but very little my Amplified Bible. And none in my other versions. And what I mean by marked is highlighted. I always use yellow.
I have no marks in my Bible at all, except my name written in the front. I am not a note taker...didn't even do that in college. :oops: My Bible is a bit torn on the lower right corner of the leather, and the gold is off the edge of the pages completely. I do read it ,though, and memorize it too...Just in case any of you were in doubt that those of us with tidy Bibles aren't using them. :wink:

The Lord bless all of you.
How do you keep the highlighter marks from bleeding through the pages? I have tried several brand, but they all do it.