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Bible Study Bible Study on The Fruit of the Spirit



Bible Study on Fruit of the Spirit

The word fruit occurs over 210 times in the Bible. Some of the Hebrew and Greek meanings for the word fruit are as follows:
Fruit: budding, ev or eb
Increase: yehbool
Child: yeled
Bread: lechem
Eating: mahah chol
Fullness: mehleah
Incoming fruit: tehbooah
In the New Testament, Fruit has several meanings:
Gennema, or , produce
Karpos, zimrah, karphphoreoh, to be fruitful, to bear fruit
The fruit of the Spirit: this fruit is KARPOS: Karpos
Karpos is from an Indo-European root: “karp†meaning to gather, pluck, or
harvest. Harvesting refers to bringing in what you’ve sown. The Lord has sown fruit in us, HIS FRUIT, His holiness, and righteousness, and we are NOT TO QUENCH THE SPIRIT! Remember that admonition in the bible?
Remember that the flesh and the Spirit are “at war†with one another, and that’s why we are supposed to crucify the flesh. To crucify our flesh takes effort, and conscious choices.
Notice the word fruit in Galatians is singular. Not plural.
What is the singular fruit of the Spirit? Love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance.
Nine fruits, or fruit. The Spirit is one with God, and Jesus, His Only begotten Son.
The ONLY door into Heaven.
The ONLY truth, the TRUE light.
Love, from the Holy Spirit is agape love. It means brotherly love, affection, benevolence, and a desire for the other’s good and well being
Joy is chara: of persons who are one’s joy, the joy received from you, the cause or occasion of you find joy in being a Christian?
Peace is eirene: unity, concord, safety
Longsuffering: makrothumeic: to suffer long
Gentleness: kindness, usefulness: chrestotes…are you useful to Jesus?
Goodness: agathosune: zealous activity in doing good. Interestingly enough, agathousune also means to rebuke and discipline. Agathosune is aggressive goodness, active, it does not spare sharpness and rebuke to produce good in others.
Like, how a prophet speaks to others to repent or burn. It’s not to judge them, it is to
produce GOOD in them! Pointing out another’s sin is done from love, agape love.
This goodness, agathosune, is so despised by others. It shouldn’t be.
Hellfire and brimstone preachers are agathosune preachers. Goodness preachers.
Aggressiveness can be good: Jesus drove out the moneychangers from the temple, with a whip.
Faith: pistis: steadfastness, faithfulness: are you steadfast in your Christian obedience?
Look at it like this: what if your spouse said to you, I will be faithful to you as long as
It doesn’t get in the way of my pleasures. If being faithful to our marriage prevents me from adultery, or lying, or being abusive to you, then, I don’t think I want to be that faithful to you. How would you feel?
How does GOD feel, when He sees you being unfaithful to the words of LIFE he has so plainly and clearly explained to you?
Meekness: praotes: mildness. NOT to be confused (the devil confuses) with humility, which is anav, in the Greek.
Meekness is the opposite of self-interest. Meekness from God gives you power. Praotes is enduring injury with patience, and without resentment. When we resent or hate someone speaking the Bible to us, we are rejecting the truth, and we are deciding to set our lusts and flesh above God. We are then become idolaters.
Breaking the first commandment, when we pick and choose what we will obey.
We are not being meek towards God. Turn the other cheek, when someone hurts you. Do we do that? Let someone injure us, over and over, mentally, physically, and emotionally?
When a person seeks to hurt and destroy someone else, that person needs to be pitied and prayed for.
Praotes is an internal attitude, whereas gentleness is external. Handling a bird egg, gently, is something you DO. Meekness is something you ARE.
Temperance: egkrateia: self-restraint, knowing that no sin is ever good, and all of the lusts of the flesh are to be restrained, and eventually, crucified.

No, I haven’t arrived at having a bountiful, pefect crop for Jesus to harvest. But, now I know more about what I have to do. He has already given the FRUIT to me. It’s up to me to encourage it, grow it, feed and nourish it. By reading the Bible every day, praying, and remembering what Jesus says.
The alternative to growing the Fruit of the Spirit is to grow this, instead:
Adultery: ouch! That one hurts so many people.
Fornication: so many fatherless children, so many stds. Where we get the word PORNOGRAPHY from. Hmmm! Jesus said, if you LOOK at a woman to lust after her,
ye have committed adultery….pornea, fornication, all the same thing.
Uncleanness: akatharsia, impurity: catharsis means to get rid of, to vomit out, clean out
Aka means to keep the “vomitâ€Â. Akatharsia is the mere THOUGHT of impurity.
God will give you up, to the desires of uncleanness, if you insist on it. This is why self-restraint is SO important, on a daily basis.
This world is full of impurities, so, don’t expect to fit in with the worldly ways.
Lasciviousness: Lascivious comes from Late Latin lasciviosus, from Latin lascivia, "wantonness, lust, marked by or tending to arouse sexual desire or interest; "feeling sexy"; "sexy clothes"; "sexy poses"; "a sexy book"; "sexy jokes", nudist camps and flirtations come to mind. The look.
Idolatry: well, what is the first Commandment? Idolatry is the worship of an image, idea or object, as opposed to the worship of God. Respecting an idea more than God, especially if it is in conflict with God!
Witchcraft: a necromancer, one who is posessed by a demon, using magic, again, idolatry. Trusting magic and spells, instead of trusting GOD.
Hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife,seditions, heresies, envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like: of the wichi I tell you before, as I have in time past, that they which do such things shall no inherit the kingdom of God.
Do you spread hate, strife, pick fights all the time, carry a chip on your shoulder?
Do you like to get drunk? Do you like to tell “sexy†jokes, send them out on the internet, read dirty books, do you keep impure thoughts in your head?
IF someone you greatly respect, could read your mind, would you be ashamed?
Let’s hope you aren’t past being ashamed. Have the people forgotten how to blush?
God forbid.
Surely the Greatest of these is Charity! LOVE.1 Corinthians 13:13 (and verse 1?)

You have a good post. Yet, we need to understand what the full package of what the Godhead's Agape Love is. Matthew 4:4 is the only complete package way to know. God will destroy the ones of Obadiah 1:16 to the point that they 'will be as though they had never been'. How does [mankind] understand this as a God of LOVE?

Tough love cannot be voided out of the 1 Cor. 13 passage! If it is?? Then we are not having the required full package, huh? :wink: Luke 12:47-48
