Firstly, please excuse me for being so late in this thread, but only yesterday I joined the forum. My point of focus in this forum will be cosmology, so what thread to make my firsts posts in if not a big bang thread?
Actually, I intend to make my own big bang thread in which to prove that big bang is not only wrong, but it CANNOT be right. But until I’m allowed that, I will have to post here. Thank you for understanding. Oh, and about me: I’m a YEC - I think that says it all…
Now, to business:
Lordkalvan, I always find it a bit ironic that big bang believers support big bang without actually knowing what they believe in. For example, Hammer said:
2) Inflation: This is the assertion that the light (energy) of the universe traveled much faster than the speed of light.
and you didn’t correct him:
Rather than an assertion, it is an hypothesis that has been substantiated by some observed predictions,
What Hammer said (and you reinforced) is not only wrong, it’s actually running against the mainstream at the highest degree. Hammer didn’t have to be right, because he obviously doesn’t believe in big bang. You, on the other hand…
And by the way, even some of the most important mainstream institutions, like for example ESA, agree that there’s NO EVIDENCE in regard to inflation.
Now, also in regard to inflation, you further say:
it is an hypothesis that has been substantiated by some observed predictions, e.g. the consequences of the gravitational collapse of perturbations in the inflationary epoch.
I’m really curious what gravity you could think of at the time of inflation.
By the way, inflation (and any expansion in general) is exactly the opposite of any “gravitational collapse”…
I also find your usage of the term “epoch” amusing. Do you know how much the claimed inflation lasted? Well, if you happen to even find a name for that period, let me know.
However, it is certainly the case that cosmological inflation still stands only as an hypothesis and is subject to criticism because of problems it is unable fully to resolve.
Inflation was postulated to solve SEVERAL problems that big bang previously had.
And by the way, would you guess the alternative to inflation, the alternate proposed explanation for (at least some of) those previous BB problems? Tip: ironically, although proposed within mainstream, that shakes the mainstream quite a bit - and that’s an understatement…
You suppose a number of uncertainties: that the Universe is a closed system
Well, you would probably claim other universes (you must, because this one doesn’t work as you expected, i.e. as is claimed in schools…). I on the other hand will certainly claim God…
I do believe that the universe can work by its own, in accordance with the laws set for it. However, I will never exclude God from His own Creation…
that, even if it is, local 'increases in order' cannot occur;
Surely they occur: each and every time there’s intelligence involved. Otherwise, well…
that galaxies represent an increase in order over a prior state.
That’s very curious to say the least. Once again, it involves running against the mainstream at the highest degree. Why? Because of this mainstream claim: cosmic evolution…
Perhaps you would prefer that no testable hypotheses be advanced to explain this acceleration?
How about this for an (un?)testable hypothesis: God…
By the way, expansion of the Universe is clearly stated in a millennia old book. Would you guess which one?
Secondly, none of these hypotheses is 'anti-science', unless you have a particular definition of 'anti-science' I am unfamiliar with.
I think I have the same definition of 'anti-science' as Hammer: all that runs against actual science. So I agree with him that big bang not only is no-science, but it’s actually anti-science, because BB is so riddled with contradictions that nobody should take it seriously. Moreover, most of the evidence claimed in favor of BB is actually evidence against it. I will soon prove that in my own BB thread – my material is almost ready.
By the way, my DEEPEST CONGRATS to Hammer. Although he failed in accurately comprehending some of the details of BB, he managed to understand the fundamental place where big bang fails. He’s one of the very few IN THE WORLD who succeeded in that (excluding the mainstream frontrunners, alert to their huge problem). Although, ironically, he doesn’t seem aware of his own statement… But I can’t address this yet, because it’s part of my material soon to be posted in my own big bang thread.
Thirdly, why do you suppose that naturalistic explanations of natural phenomena are impossible?
The way you phrased that obviously excludes ANYTHING that is not “naturalistic explanation” for being an explanation for “natural phenomena”…