Proverbs 28:14
Blessed is the man who always fears the Lord, but he who hardens his heart falls into trouble.
If one fears the Lord, he/she will always be living a life pleasing to the Lord. There are many who accept Jesus as Lord and Savior, but then they are so attached to the world that they live as they please. Often they harden their hearts and then they land up in troubles, which could have been avoided if they obeyed the Lord and His word. The Lord is gracious and long suffering, merciful and abounding in steadfast love, but we must not trespass the limits that He has kept for us as Christians. Solomon was blessed abundantly by God, but he trespassed the laws that God had for him and the anger of the Lord burned against him. If we fear the Lord we will be careful with our words, with our deeds and in all our dealings with others knowing that the Lord is always watching us. It’s not because we fear that we do these things; it’s because we love the Lord, because what He did for us is unsurpassable.
Blessed is the man who always fears the Lord, but he who hardens his heart falls into trouble.
If one fears the Lord, he/she will always be living a life pleasing to the Lord. There are many who accept Jesus as Lord and Savior, but then they are so attached to the world that they live as they please. Often they harden their hearts and then they land up in troubles, which could have been avoided if they obeyed the Lord and His word. The Lord is gracious and long suffering, merciful and abounding in steadfast love, but we must not trespass the limits that He has kept for us as Christians. Solomon was blessed abundantly by God, but he trespassed the laws that God had for him and the anger of the Lord burned against him. If we fear the Lord we will be careful with our words, with our deeds and in all our dealings with others knowing that the Lord is always watching us. It’s not because we fear that we do these things; it’s because we love the Lord, because what He did for us is unsurpassable.