Yes, thanks for that link. I believe it's an excellent overview to give anyone the major facts about the Nephilim who otherwise don't know about it or what's going on. As a matter of fact, the site looked like it had some other interesting links to similar stuff and I checked some out. Look's like I have some reading material tonight for my Nook (which can go on the Internet) as I like to read (what is normally called) creepy stuff like that at bedtime.
Back to the Nephilim, I believe this answers a lot of mysterious things across all cultures such as Titans, giants, strange creatures such as griffins (they also messed with animal DNA), unknown creatures (Jersey Devil, Big foot), spiritual entities such as poltergeists and also aliens who seem to be obsessed with "reproductive experiments". Whenever I go into a museum and see strange masks of "gods" from ancient cultures, I think to myself, so is that what these sons of God and/or Nephilim looked like?
As a matter of fact, one of my personal theories about those big-eyed aliens supposedly from Zeta Reticuli are that these creatures are indeed partly human from the Nephilim, and whether it's a façade that they come from there or whether they really do I'm not sure. It's possible that some superior technology from the sons of God could move some of them out there until the time comes "as in the days of Noah". Both stars Zeta Reticuli are solar analogues. If you could pop the sun out of the sky and replace it with one of these stars, you'd have similar temp, similar color, similar brightness to the sun, and maybe 10-15% less in diameter. In short, it would look like a slightly smaller sun (with a tad more UV radiation how's that for more vitamin D production?
) It's conceivable, but just a theory of mine, mind you.