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Book - how academic leftists mold impressionable young minds


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'Brainwashed' charges up Amazon charts: Book reveals how academic leftists mold impressionable young minds: May 15, 2004 ... E_ID=38512

An explosive new book revealing how America's university system has become one of the largest brainwashing machines on the planet has risen as high as No. 28 on's bestseller list, even before its national ad campaign.

In "Brainwashed: How Universities Indoctrinate America's Youth," published by WND Books, 20-year-old college student and syndicated columnist Benjamin Shapiro says while parents hope their university-bound children will return as well-rounded adults, there's only one view allowed on most college campuses: a rabid brand of liberalism that must be swallowed hook, line and sinker.

Examining this nationwide problem from firsthand experience, Shapiro shows how the leftists who dominate the universities  from the administration to the student government, from the professors to the student media  use their power to mold impressionable minds.

Fresh and bitterly funny, his book proves the universities, far from being places for open discussion, are really dungeons of the mind that indoctrinate students to become socialists, atheists, race-baiters and narcissists.

Popular columnist Ann Coulter calls Shapiro's columns, "smart, informative and incisive.

"He is wise beyond his years without losing the refreshing fearlessness of youth," she says.

In a review of the book, columnist Mike Adams, a professor at the University of North Carolina at Wilmington, writes, "for years, I have wanted someone to write a book like 'Brainwashed.'"

So many times, he says, "I have found myself walking down a hall accidentally overhearing some liberal professor telling the class something like the following: 'Transsexuals are just the same as you and me' or 'Marriage is a form of capitalist oppression, which is only beneficial to men. Studies prove it!' After overhearing such garbage, I just wanted to be a student again for a day so I could take notes and publish them later. That is what Ben Shapiro has done in his new book. It is simply classic reading."
Vic said:


Site said:
Coleman states that "All Tavistock and American foundation techniques have a single goal---to break down the psychological strength of the individual and render him helpless to oppose the dictators of the World Order. Any technique which helps to break down the family unit, and family inculcated principles of religion, honor, patriotism and sexual behavior, is used by the Tavistock scientists as weapons of crowd control."
It will probably infuriate me if I read it.
They did a television special on this right after the war started. It told of how the universities are now platforms for the teachers to use in order to produce leftist liberal antiAmericans.
I cannot remember what network did the documentary.
It is obvious by the way people talk now days, not just those who dont profess to know Christ but those who do, that there has been some brainwashing going on somewhere.
Especially in forums you really get a broader veiw of how these minds have been molded.
It's sad, yet infuriating.
You can bet that satan is a very strategic advisary!
I can't help but wonder: what the heck university did the people who write this kind of stuff go to? I've attended several over the course of my never-ending academic career, and I've never had a professor try to "indoctrinate" me. Quite the contrary, most of my professors have tried to encourage critical thinking and higher level analysis.
from one of the links above:
Teachers and kids can't talk about Jesus Christ, Moses or Biblical ethics -- at least not in a positive, plausible sense -- in the classroom. But it's just fine to talk about Timmy and Tommy, the Testicle Twins, Daddy's male roommate, anal sex and oral sex between teenagers of the same sex.

See, this is just silly. I'm an elementary school teacher, and we can most certainly talk about Jesus, Moses and the Bible. We just can't prosthletize - any religion. The Bible is an important cultural document, and Jesus and Moses are certainly key figures in world history. I know from firsthand experience that religion is frequently discussed in public schools, especially on the high school level.

A family is "a unit of two or more persons, related either by birth or by choice, who may or may not live together, who try to meet each other's needs and share common goals and interests." The lesson uses class exercises designed to reinforce the notion that all families should be validated, for example, families with no dads, three dads, or a 14-year-old mom.

Again...I don't see the problem. What, are we teachers supposed to tell our kids things like, "Sorry, Alejandro, your family isn't a family because you don't have a daddy," or tell Sally that her "two mommies" are freaks, and she does not belong to a loving home? Kids have a hard enough time living in non-nuclear families without their educators trying to make them feel like even bigger weirdos. School is supposed to be a safe, nurturing environment.

America's students are being encouraged to be promiscuous and try the joys of homosexual sex, even though the deadly AIDS epidemic continues to infect millions. Latest statistics by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report almost 70 percent of male infection of AIDS in America is due to homosexual sex.

I've never heard or heard of a kid being encouraged to try gay sex. I have heard kids encouraged to, if they do decided to have sex, any kind of sex, use protection...which would help deal with that whole AIDS problem, now, wouldn't it?

GLSEN organizes "Gay/Straight Alliances" (GSAs), better known as "gay" clubs, within public schools. GLSEN claims that there are over 800 such homosexual clubs across the nation

"Better known as 'gay' clubs" by whom? The GSAs, at least in my district, are mostly made up of straight kids who just want to speak out against hate crimes and discrimination, or who want to support or learn more about their homosexual friends and family members. with the promotion of "family"...the idea is to keep kids from feeling isolated. LGBT teens have an extremely high rate of suicide. Emotional support and acceptance by their peers and role models is crucial. It doesn't matter whether homosexuality is right or wrong, teens are going to have homosexual urges. They need safe environments in which to work through their confusion.

The San Francisco Unified School District teaches kindergartners and first-graders that homosexuals are "people of the same-sex who have feelings for one another in a romantic way."

Aren't they?

Many schools now are being told by activist groups, including the ACLU and teacher organizations, that they must not encourage heterosexuality instead of homosexuality when counseling troubled or questioning kids.

The bit that this paragraph leaves out is that we're also not supposed to promote homosexuality. We're just supposed to let the kids talk through their feelings. The idea is to help kids escape their feelings of isolation and fear. You can't do that by saying, "Feel THIS WAY," because then if the kid doesn't feel that way, they'll be even more confused and miserable.

from another of the links:
President Clinton and these "religious" partnerships opened wide the doors to our children's forced "education" of a fairytale Islam, while the ACLU continues to convince the courts to censor the Bible and anything Christian.(4) (4a) Shamefully, the ACLU simultaneously fights for such causes as mandating freshmen to read selected quotes from the Koran.

Again with the silliness. Yes, I've read parts of the Koran for college classes. I've also been required to read huge swaths of the Bible, the Tao Te Ching, the writings of Augustine and many other religious/philisophical works, as well as critical analyses of such documents. I was never required to agree with the critical analyses, which varied from sound to more full of holes than swiss cheese. I don't see the problem here.
Again...I don't see the problem.
I don't see the problem here
Hmm, maybe that IS the problem.

Hm. Instead of mocking me, maybe you could explain to me exactly what the problem is? Preferably with some kind of scriptural and sociological backing?


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