Of course I believe in the power of the name of Christ it is just that we have no need to protect houses or cars or anything else, its ourselves that we are told to put armour on. Lets say a person called for their house to be covered and kept from evil of any kind. Then lets say that person then turns on their TV. On TV there are some pretty evil shows, demonic in fact. Will the TV signal be blocked from entering the house, or particular shows not be picked up, the evil ones? No that will not happen, the signal will get through and evil will be there right smack on centre stage in your lounge room. Its you who needs to protect yourself by wearing Gods Armour. Of course there is power in Christs name, those who came to arrest Jesus fell backwards when He said who He was. Demons were cast out by His name etc etc... But the Bible is our guide and covering houses in Christs blood is not there as a thing to do. In fact using Christs blood in such ways has its roots in the RC church.
One post here says that demons don't materialise in their actual form because if they did people would see them for who they were and turn to God. This must be non believers spoken about. My question is then "what is a demons natural form" the one that must be universally known by people everywhere to recognise them as such? There must be a universally recognisable form for this to be able to take place for a non believer to see? What does one look like? A non visible to us, disembodied spirit? Perhaps like one of the RC versions, horns, ugly, arrow tailed?
Most descriptions actually have their origin in the RC church, the church of error!
I thought God created things of beauty, some fell but I didn't see where they were then made ugly and monstrous looking! Good trick that one, simple but it seems to have fooled millions upon millions worldwide. An enemy gets people to look for something that it does not even look like. Why doesn't the Bible give us a description of what they look like? Because we don't actually see them! Its what they can do to us and how they attack which we have in the finest of detail. Of course the Word of God has power, that's part of the Armour and if you wear it properly you wont fall victim to attack, whether it be in a house, car, shop, park or anywhere. You will carry your protection with you wherever you go! The things we practice must have visible examples of in the Word, not vague maybe's, but solid examples which are backed up by the Word itself. So many practices these days have none such examples and have only been made up by men. The Bible is our life guide to salvation from go to stop, start to finish. Our instruction manual and more. If its not in there, or there clearly to be seen then, its not there and is a commandment of men, not God. You simply need to ask yourself, is what I am doing given as a clear example in the Bible? For instance, is there examples of people covering there houses and asking for angels to stand at the corners of their houses in the Word? Or walking around them calling out the name of Jesus to protect them from demons? In fact anything you are taught to do should have clear examples of it in Gods word in the New Testament. I was once in a church that slayed people in the spirit and had dozens of people talking in unknown languages throughout the services. I asked the Pastor where in the Bible were the examples of this? He had no answer other than telling me I was going to hell. They also taught members to cover their homes in blood. The blood of Christ is not a trivial thing, and I am not in any way here trying to make it appear that way. Its precious beyond our imagination. I hope you see the truth.