So our first step is to seek from God a knowledge that comes by revelation -- a revelation,
that is to say, not of ourselves but of the finished work of the Lord Jesus Christ on the Cross.
When Hudson Taylor, the founder of the China Inland Mission, entered into the normal
Christian life it was thus that he did so. You remember how he tells of his long-standing
problem of how to live `in Christ', how to draw the sap out of the Vine into himself. For he
knew that he must have the life of Christ flowing out through him and yet felt that he had not
got it, and he saw clearly enough that his need was to be found in Christ. `I knew', he said,
writing to his sister from Chinkiang in 1869, `that if only I could abide in Christ, all would be
well, but I could not.'
The more he tried to get in the more he found himself slipping out, so to speak, until one
day light dawned, revelation came and he saw.
`Here, I feel, is the secret: not asking how I am to get sap out of the Vine into myself, but
remembering that Jesus is the Vine -- the root, stem, branches, twigs, leaves, flowers, fruit, all
indeed ... I have not got to make myself a branch. The Lord Jesus tells me I am a branch. I am part of
Him and I have just to believe it and act upon it. I have seen it long enough in the Bible, but I
believe it now as a living reality.'
It was as though something which had indeed been true all the time had now suddenly
become true in a new way to him personally, and he writes to his sister again:
`I do not know how far I may be able to make myself intelligible about it, for there is nothing
new or strange or wonderful -- and yet, all is new! In a word, "whereas once I was blind, now
I see"....I am dead and buried with Christ -- aye, and risen too and ascended....God reckons
me so, and tells me to reckon myself so. He knows best....Oh, the joy of seeing this truth -- I
do pray that the eyes of your understanding may be enlightened, that you may know and enjoy
the riches freely given us in Christ.'
- Watchman Nee,
The Normal Christian Life