Can theology become an idol?

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Dave Slayer

Can theology become an idol? Often times we find ourselves debating theology, sometimes to the point where we get prideful. Sometimes we even beat a dead horse over and over and over again. While it it is good to discuss theology, does there come a time where it becomes an idol? When we disagree, should we find common ground on that which we do agree rather than try and convince others of our theology?
Dave Slayer said:
Can theology become an idol? Often times we find ourselves debating theology, sometimes to the point where we get prideful. Sometimes we even beat a dead horse over and over and over again. While it it is good to discuss theology, does there come a time where it becomes an idol? When we disagree, should we find common ground on that which we do agree rather than try and convince others of our theology?

Theology is simply a man-made term for the differences between Christians. :lol But the word of God is God himself so no, one is worshiping God when he worships God's word because they are one and the same. As Jesus tells us in MT. 4:4, "For it is written; 'Man does not live on bread alone but on every word that comes from the mouth of God." Scripture is literally my food. It's the only thing that truly satisfies me and sustains me. :)
yes, if its in a demonational form and God's word says that doctrine fails to line up , ie the worship of mary by the rc

Anything can become an idol if the purpose is interpreted by ourselves. We humans have a propensity for idolatry.
jasoncran said:
yes, if its in a demonational form and God's word says that doctrine fails to line up , ie the worship of mary by the rc


Perhaps another form of idolatry is one's false understanding of another's beliefs???

Heidi said:
Theology is simply a man-made term for the differences between Christians. :lol

Theology is not merely a "Christian phenomenom". It is absolutely normal for man to wonder about "why I am here" and "what is the meaning of life" - and theology is an attempt to answer those questions, whether it is Christian or Muslim or Hindu...

Heidi said:
But the word of God is God himself so no, one is worshiping God when he worships God's word because they are one and the same. As Jesus tells us in MT. 4:4, "For it is written; 'Man does not live on bread alone but on every word that comes from the mouth of God." Scripture is literally my food. It's the only thing that truly satisfies me and sustains me. :)

The above theologies also have their "sacred scriptures" that claim to be from God, also...

The Word of God is Jesus Christ. The Bible merely relates SOME of the Word of God in writing. The Word is a living Being that vivifies us. God's Word is more than a book - which other "theologies" claim for themselves, as well. This is what makes Christianity different - it is not about a book, but a Person. Jesus Christ is our "food"!

francisdesales said:
jasoncran said:
yes, if its in a demonational form and God's word says that doctrine fails to line up , ie the worship of mary by the rc


Perhaps another form of idolatry is one's false understanding of another's beliefs???

No offense my mom was a roman catholic and i'm half irish. Praying to the saints is where in the bible, even duay version? I have no doubt of your walk or the walk of many catholics, but i do know of some rc priests that dont even worship the living God, they deny that he exists.

Can theology become an idol?

I'll tell you something that a minister/professor at my local divinity school told me not long ago. He said that as an aspiring Bible student, many come into the divinity school's program so that they can acquire knowledge and tools so they can open the Bible and exegete it line by line. He demonstrated his point by sort of standing over the bible in his hand and intently running his other hand like a blade down the page as he spoke. But then he stooped down/leaned back in his chair and pulled the Bible above him and he said while in that position, "But unless you submit yourself under the authority of the Word and let it exegete you then all our tools and learning are useless".

I think that is an interesting perspective. Let the Spirit working through the Word exegete you (remember, it is sharper than a two edged sword and can discern the heart) so that we come to recieve from it and stand under its authority and not read into it whatever we desire.

It is a matter of humbleness and rightly handling the Word of truth.

God Bless,

cybershark5886 said:
Can theology become an idol?

I'll tell you something that a minister/professor at my local divinity school told me not long ago. He said that as an aspiring Bible student, many come into the divinity school's program so that they can acquire knowledge and tools so they can open the Bible and exegete it line by line. He demonstrated his point by sort of standing over the bible in his hand and intently running his other hand like a blade down the page as he spoke. But then he stooped down/leaned back in his chair and pulled the Bible above him and he said while in that position, "But unless you submit yourself to the authority of the Word and let it exegete you then all our tools and learning are useless".

I think that is an interesting perspective. Let the Spirit and the Word exegete you (remember, it is sharper than a two edged sword and can discern the heart) so that we come to recieve from it and stand under its authority and not read into it whatever we desire.

It is a matter of humbleness and rightly handling the Word of truth.

God Bless,

i dont think dave meant it that way, but i do see your point

Obviously theology is very important since it is the study of God (and all that that entails). I agree that theology can become an idol, just as anything can. And I agree that finding common ground is good. However, we cannot neglect the differences since some of them are essential for salvation.
jasoncran said:
No offense my mom was a roman catholic and i'm half irish. Praying to the saints is where in the bible, even duay version? I have no doubt of your walk or the walk of many catholics, but i do know of some rc priests that dont even worship the living God, they deny that he exists.

Again, you are misinformed on what "praying to the saints" means. We don't consider the saints other "gods".

If I ask you to pray for me, I am, indeed, "praying to you" to intercede for me. This is quite biblical, Paul does it over and over again. Why this escapes so many "biblical Protestants" is beyond me...

As to "rc priests" who don't even worship the living God, I would first say... Baloney.

However, if you had some actual evidence rather than heresay or flat out invention, I would say one bad priest does not mean the entire institution is wrong, it means there is an individual that has personal problems... "RC" is not dependent upon a priest and his personal beliefs.

Or shall we discount Christianity over Judas Iscariot...?

cybershark5886 said:
Can theology become an idol?

I'll tell you something that a minister/professor at my local divinity school told me not long ago. He said that as an aspiring Bible student, many come into the divinity school's program so that they can acquire knowledge and tools so they can open the Bible and exegete it line by line. He demonstrated his point by sort of standing over the bible in his hand and intently running his other hand like a blade down the page as he spoke. But then he stooped down/leaned back in his chair and pulled the Bible above him and he said while in that position, "But unless you submit yourself under the authority of the Word and let it exegete you then all our tools and learning are useless".

I think that is an interesting perspective. Let the Spirit working through the Word exegete you (remember, it is sharper than a two edged sword and can discern the heart) so that we come to recieve from it and stand under its authority and not read into it whatever we desire.

It is a matter of humbleness and rightly handling the Word of truth.

God Bless,


I believe theology can become an idol when we put man's denominational teachings above God's Truth. It's important to remain teachable before the Lord and not be yoked by others. A sincere desire for God's truth will cause us to dig for those nuggets and treasures in His Word, and sometimes those other teachings are revealed as a cheap imitation that needs to be replaced by the real deal.
francisdesales said:
jasoncran said:
No offense my mom was a roman catholic and i'm half irish. Praying to the saints is where in the bible, even duay version? I have no doubt of your walk or the walk of many catholics, but i do know of some rc priests that dont even worship the living God, they deny that he exists.

Again, you are misinformed on what "praying to the saints" means. We don't consider the saints other "gods".

If I ask you to pray for me, I am, indeed, "praying to you" to intercede for me. This is quite biblical, Paul does it over and over again. Why this escapes so many "biblical Protestants" is beyond me...

As to "rc priests" who don't even worship the living God, I would first say... Baloney.

However, if you had some actual evidence rather than heresay or flat out invention, I would say one bad priest does not mean the entire institution is wrong, it means there is an individual that has personal problems... "RC" is not dependent upon a priest and his personal beliefs.

Or shall we discount Christianity over Judas Iscariot...?

really so you never ever think that even in the rc that are false prophets, no, they are there. even in protestents. did discount the rc chruch as chrstians, I have seen the local parish recently refuse to accept the protestents as fellow believers and recieve communion.

so if i'm dead then you should aks me to interecede for you then, praying to mary is like that, show the verse with paul doing that,?
jasoncran said:
really so you never ever think that even in the rc that are false prophets, no, they are there. even in protestents.

Oh, there are people who claim to be "good Catholics" and are all for abortion. By definition, they have cast themselves out of the Church, they are false prophets. Yes, we have our problems in the Church, and Christ pointed that out in several parables...

jasoncran said:
I have seen the local parish recently refuse to accept the protestents as fellow believers and recieve communion.

You misunderstand what the Eucharist really is. It is THE sign of our unity. We would be lying if we presented this to people who outright disbelieve what the Eucharist even IS!!!

I realize this might offend your sensibilities, but you should at least respect the thinking behind it. We believe the eucharist really is Jesus Christ, in the form of bread and wine. We don't hand it out like a bingo chip where we pretend false ecumenicism. If you bother to read the Missal in every Catholic Church, you will find an explanation of this on the inside cover (front or back, I forget).

As to fellow beliefvers, that is inaccurate, we do believe you are fellow believers in Christ, our separated brothers. But the fact remains that we are indeed separated, and it would be a lie to pretend we are one.

jasoncran said:
so if i'm dead then you should aks me to interecede for you then, praying to mary is like that, show the verse with paul doing that,?

We only ask people we have a relative certainty are in heaven for intercessionary prayers, since God only listens to His own. I don't know you well enough to ask you for such prayers, if you were to die. The prayer of a righteous person is truly effective, said James. Those in heaven are righteous, correct???

while i disagree with that and the concept of transubsation and the prayer to the departed, as only the Lord really knows if they are heaven bound, we can be decieved, I will for the time being end this converasation, but perhaps later in the interest of curiousity, i have attended masses from time to time, I have a grandaughter who's a catholic.

jasoncran said:
while i disagree with that and the concept of transubsation and the prayer to the departed, as only the Lord really knows if they are heaven bound, we can be decieved, I will for the time being end this converasation, but perhaps later in the interest of curiousity, i have attended masses from time to time, I have a grandaughter who's a catholic.

Feel free to PM me if you want to continue.
