The sceptre shall not depart from Judah, nor a lawgiver from between his feet, until Shiloh come; and unto him shall the gathering of the people be.
Genesis 49:10
The sceptre in this verse is the Hebrew word 'shevet', the tribal staff which belonged to each tribe as an ensign of their authority. Thus the tribal identity of Judah would not pass away, as happened to other tribes, until Shiloh or Messiah comes. It was from the tribe of Judah that the line of kings descended from King David came. Even after the Babylonian captivity, Judah continued to have lawgivers (see Ezra 1.5 - 8).
In the early years of the Roman occupation of Judea, the Jewish people still had a king in their own land. Moreover they were to a large extent governed by their own laws, and the Sanhedrin exercised its authority. But in the span of a few years (during the year when Jesus was twelve years of age and appeared publicly in the Temple, Luke 2.41-52) Archelaus, the king of the Jews was dethroned and banished. Coponius was appointed Roman Procurator, and the kingdom of Judea, the last remnant of the former nation of Israel, was formally debased into a province of Syria (see Josephus' Antiquities 17, chapter 13.1-5).
At this time the Sanhedrin lost its power of passing the death sentence (see John 18.31). Rabbi Rachmon said, "When the members of the Sanhedrin found themselves deprived of their right over life and death, a general consternation took hold of them; they covered their heads and their bodies with sackcloth, exclaiming, 'Woe unto us, for the sceptre has departed from Judah and the Messiah has not come.'"
2. Know therefore and understand that from the going forth of the commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem until Messiah the Prince, there shall be seven weeks and sixty two weeks; the street shall be built again, and the wall even in troublesome times. And after sixty two seeks Messiah shall be cut off, but not for himself; and the people of the prince who is to come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary. The end of it shall be with a flood, and till the end of the war desolations are determined. Daniel 9.25-26.
According to this prophecy in Daniel, Messiah had to come 483 years after a specific date in Daniel's time (69 x 7 years - a 'week'=7 years - see Genesis 29.27). Sir Robert Anderson in his book 'The Coming Prince' works out that there were 483 years according to the Hebrew method of calculating dates from the decree of Artaxerxes granting permission to the Jewish people to return and rebuild Jerusalem to the date of Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem. This date he believes was the official presentation of Messiah as 'Prince' to Israel (details of how he comes to this date are available on request).
Secular source:
"The Sanhedrin lost some of their political power 'after the disposition of Archelaus, who was the son and successor of Herod, 11 A.D.. Josephus, Ant., Book chapter 13. p 1-5 The procurators , who administered in Agustus name took the supreme power of the Sanhedrin away so they could exercise the jus glad themselves; that is the sovereign right over the life and death sentences. All the nations which were subdued by the Roman empire were deprived of their ability to pronounce capitol sentence. tactus says, "the Romans reserved to themselves the sword, and neglected all else." -Evidence that demands a verdict vol. 1, p.168
How did the Jews respond to this?
The Talmud (Bab., Sanhedrin, Chap 4, fol 51b)
"Since the Sanhedrin no longer had jurisdiction in capital offenses, there is no practical utility in this ruling, which can become effective only in the days of the Messiah." -Evidence demands a verdict, Vol. 1, p, 169
The Talmud (Bab. Sanhedrin, Chap. 4 fol. 37, recto)
"WOE UNTO US, FOR THE SCEPTRE HAS BEEN TAKEN FROM JUDAH, AND THE MESSIAH HAS NO APPEARED!" -Evidence that demands a verdict, vol 1, page 169.
The sceptre (ruling authority of the Law of Moses) shall not depart from Judah, nor a lawgiver from between his feet, until Shiloh (messiah) come; and unto him [shall] the gathering of the people [be]. -Genesis 49:10