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Bible Study Can you be saved in this life?

Hello Mr. Bible, I believe I am already saved.
I belong to Jesus now and forever.
I am currently living eternal life.
It will continue after my body dies.
Jesus told me that he would never leave me, I am one of his sheep, and he gives me his Holy Spirit to guide me and protect me until the time comes for my departure from this Earth.
There is no soul sleep.
I will go from here to there in the twinkling of an eye.
Where there is hope in Jesus, there is life.
Hello Mr. Bible, I believe I am already saved.
I belong to Jesus now and forever.
I am currently living eternal life.
It will continue after my body dies.
Jesus told me that he would never leave me, I am one of his sheep, and he gives me his Holy Spirit to guide me and protect me until the time comes for my departure from this Earth.
There is no soul sleep.
I will go from here to there in the twinkling of an eye.
Where there is hope in Jesus, there is life.
I understand, thanks for reply
But that is being in Christ and his sanctifying grace
What about verses that imply a constant faithfulness is required like Jn 3:16 matt 24:13 Jn 15:1-5 ?
Refer to Matt 24:13
"But he who endures to the end shall be saved."
Our salvation is commenced here and now, but a final judgement will occur that finalizes it.
Endure faithfully until your end and you will receive the promised resurrection to a new life.
The gift of the Holy Ghost is a seal of the inheritance, (2 Cor 1:22), a promise that will be finalized in the future.
also can you be saved without a priest?
thanks guys
Yes, as anyone can baptize you with water into Christ and into His death, burial, and resurrection. (Rom 6:3-7)
You, as a new Christian, will however require guidance and a example to follow as you walk in the light and abstain from all appearance of wickedness. (1 Thes 5:22)
Fellowship is crucial.
May God bless your journey.
Signs of the End of the Age

Matthew 24:1-31 is all about what Christ has already taught us of those things which must come first before His return on the last day. It's like an outline of all the events from the time of Christ and His crucifixion up to the day of His return that we must not fear what has to come, but stand in great faith as we endure until either we die first or Christ returns before we die.

2Thess 2:1 Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto him,
2Thess 2:2 That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand.
2Thess 2:3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;
2Thess 2:4 Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.
2Thess 2:5 Remember ye not, that, when I was yet with you, I told you these things?

The son of perdition will cause even the very elect of God to bow down and worship him as he will convince many that are weak in faith to take his mark. Those who refuse this beast will die a martyr's death for their faith in Christ.

Mat 10:28 And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.

For now we have the promise of eternal life through the Spiritual rebirth, but can only receive it if we endure in faith that is Christ Jesus who is our faith until the end, either through physical death or the Lord returns before we die.
Refer to Matt 24:13

also can you be saved without a priest?

thanks guys
A priest has nothing to do with us being saved as it's all about faith and belief in Christ building our relationship with Him. John 3:1-5; Romans 10:9-10.
Refer to Matt 24:13

also can you be saved without a priest?

thanks guys
Yes, we can know we are saved in this life. But we must endure to the end to receive the blessing. We can, if we choose forsake God’s commands, give up our salvation. Nothing can take our salvation from us, but we can give it up if we do not endure to the end.

As for needing a “priest”, all who are “in Christ” are priests of God, and we do need someone to preach the Word, but it does not require anyone of any special title or authority to baptize someone int Christ.
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Yes, we can know we are saved in this life. But we must endure to the end to receive the blessing. We can, if we choose forsake God’s commands, give up our salvation. Nothing can take our salvation from us, but we can give it up if we do not endure to the end.

As for needing a “priest”, all who are “in Christ” are priests of God, and we do need someone to preach the Word, but it does not require anyone of any special title or authority to baptize someone int Christ.

Well said, bro.


Can you be saved in this life?​

If you correctly believe you must endure to the end (keep salvific faith till death) then logically, you cannot be saved till you die; thus, you cannot be saved in this life time. This doctrine is debated.
Aside: I've wondered what happens to a person with Alzheimers who forgets his faith. :chin Sucks to be him I suppose.
Aside: I've wondered what happens to a person who has faith and loses it in a continuous cycle. Then salvation becomes the luck of the draw ... did the person die during a period of faith on disbelief? In a perverse sense, it would be beneficial for a person to commit suicide while a believer to ensure a heavenly destiny. This eliminates the possibility of dying later while an unbeliever and its eternal devastating consequences. :chin

If you correctly believe God chose you and is the cause of your salvation AND you believe in the eternal security of God's chosen then, in a sense you were saved before the foundation of the earth. The actual physical consummation of salvation being the point at which the Spirit regenerated you. There is NO chance you will be lost. You were therefore saved during this life in the sense it was consummated while you were alive.

also can you be saved without a priest?
Yes, at least in the sense I think you mean it. (thinking Roman Catholic theology)
This is not to say a priest/pastor/father/friend may not be God's instrument whereby one hears the gospel which is a prerequisite to salvation. (salvific faith cometh by hearing)
One CANNOT be saved without knowing the gospel of salvation which includes knowledge of Christ, so in a sense, since God uses men to spread the gospel, men are needed by your salvation as a secondary cause.
Aside: There are some on this site who do not believe you need to hear the gospel (need to know of Christ) to be saved. If that is true, then no person in any respect is needed for one to be saved.