- Aug 10, 2006
- 7,793
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Imagican said:Fran,
Please don't think for a second that I am oblivious to our NEED to gather. What concerns me though is the HOW of the gathering.
And I don't believe that Christ is 'just another religion or way to God'. Christ is the ONLY way that I know of to reach God. I just shudder a bit at times when I hear the word 'Christianity' for the EXACT reason that you have eluded to in past posts; MANY claim Christianity and have done OUTRAGEOUS things in it's name. However, the truth behind these claims is MORE often 'false' and THIS leads to degenerative testimony which leads others to follow 'false Christianity' rather than a total commitment to Christ and His Father.
I recently posted an article on this forum on this subject. Catholics call everyone Christian who have been baptized. Some Evangelical Protestants only will call those people who make a drastic change towards Christ as worthy of the title "Christian". There is a problem with that.
First, it presumes to read the heart and mind of another person. Some people are not truly following Christ just because they "appear" to be doing good deeds. We are all aware of people who have ulterior motives for being nice to others. On the other hand, some people we catch at their worse moments - but are really trying to be a disciple of Christ. Thus, it is not a fool-proof manner of determining WHO is a "Christian".
And secondly, it is not biblical:
"Isaiah also cries out concerning Israel:
Though the number of the children of Israel be as the sand of the sea,
The remnant will be saved." Rom 9:27
A person will be called a child of God by men, but only God will truly know who is of the elect. Not men.
Now, I agree that a "poor Christian" can give faulty testimony, but it is also the community's responsibility to look after its own in such matters. We as a community don't often do this very well. However, your way of looking at things attempts to make a self-proclaimed elitist community where people go around accusing each other of not being a "true" Christian for any sin committed. This form of elitism does not breed love, but envy and division.
Imagican said:I believe the BIGGEST cause of what I have stated are the 'churches'. I don't mean 'The Church', but churches, buildings with distinct doctrine designed to separate themselves from others. And I see through their history that the Catholic Church 'started this', 'you MUST do it OUR way' mentality. Whereas, EACH of us is responsible for OUR OWN personal relationship with the Father through His Son. Our individual salvation CANNOT be offered by men. No matter how many 'hail Marys', no matter how much money one drops in a plate, no matter how much ritual one performs, it is up to the INDIVIDUAL as to whether they are concerned with a relationship or simply choose to 'play the game' of Christianity.
The Catholic Church "started" nothing regarding this idea. It is the way of men... The Jews of the Old Testament were no different, were they? Did anyone worship as they desired? Didn't the Law include rules that condemned people for avoiding Sabbath worship? Were they not cast out of the community? Now, if you believe that the Bible is the Word of God, then I presume you will agree that it states throughout that man worships God in a community. Those who refuse are cast out of the community. Yes, each of us is responsible for our relationship with God. And that is why He gives us a community of fellow worshipers to help us in time of need. Our salvation IS mediated through men - since men GAVE us the Message, the Gospel. That is a simple historical fact. God told MEN to continue to preach and teach all that He taught a PARTICULAR group of men.
Now, if you believe that salvation is ONLY through ONE person, Jesus Christ, it is beyond me how you can then disconnect the commands He gave to ONE PARTICULAR GROUP on how to worship God properly in spirit and in truth. If you believe that salvation comes through many ways, then sure, the Catholic Church is one of many routes. But if through Christ alone, then he who rejects YOU (Apostles) rejects ME (Christ) applies even today.
Rituals, prayers, devotions, etc., are all AIDS to bring man to God. When they are abused, naturally, there will be problems. But ALL goodness can be abused. Even LOVE can be changed into something that can abuse - consider the burning of a heretic for the sake of saving one's soul. We would frown on such a mindset today. But we must be wary of forcing our own thoughts and way of thinking upon people from 500 years ago.
Imagican said:When I refer to the CC, I refer MOSTLY to the clergy, NOT the followers of the CC. The followers for many centuries had little choice short of persecution. But the clergy has been ruthless and vain in their attempts to CONTROL Christianity and for this there is NO excuse. I do NOT condemn them, for this is beyond my capability. But, I surely hope to warn others to beware of, not ONLY the CC, but ANY church that chooses to teach their congregation to abandon the TRUE Leader and follow them instead.
Well, sure. Perhaps you can point me to a Catholic priest that says "follow me, not Christ?" Again, people can become misguided and have their own opinions on how people ARE to come to Christ. I believe that men in power in religious groups do NOT have entirely evil motives when they abuse their power - whether they were Catholic OR Protestants. In Calvin's case, for example, he truly thought that he was serving his community by condeming his rival to be burned at the stake for heresy. In their minds, I believe, men in authority have their concepts on how the community to worship properly. People on this very forum argue their points of view. Are you trying to tell me that if someone like yourself, with your strong opinions, wouldn't be tempted to utilize your power to "bring more people from their ways of error into 'true' relationship with Christ"? That is my opinion. Men in power have their opinions on what is the best way to come to Christ. They are TRYING to help people come to Christ - but in retrospect, they may have been wrong or they were abusive in the means to reach the end.
But none of that rules out the fact that God placed men in authority over other men in the religious community - both in the OT and the NT. We may turn our noses up on the means they used to bring people to God, but in the end, God is guiding the Church to all truth - even through wounded men.
Imagican said:We are NOT to be slaves to a church. Just the opposite in fact. The church SHOULD be at the disposal of the body. And this body is NOT a group of elite that place themselves ABOVE their sheep. Christ set the example and this is PLAIN to see for anyone with an open heart and open eyes.
No doubt. He told His apostles on several occasions that they are to be servants to the people. The Church calls the Pope the "Servant of the servants of the People of God". Now whether he acts the part in every waking moment of his life, that is another story. Men are men.
Imagican said:So, for these reasons, and many more, I have found MOST denominations of 'Christianity' falling SERIOUSLY short of performing their function as set forth by Christ and His apostles. Tradition, ritual, doctrine, mission statements, all seem to 'create' some kind of DIFFERENT approach than that which we have been offered through The Word. THIS is what I would try my best to offer ANY that would choose to hear. Abandon that which DOES NOT pertain to God or His Son and dilligently SEEK that which DOES HONOR Them. Take up Christ's cross YOURSLEF instead of expecting someone else to 'do it for you'. Accept what has been offered and offer it as well yourself.
Well, yes, we are to judge what is useful and good - and that includes accepting those in leadership roles of those over us. That is clear throughout the Bible. I believe you go too far by making yourself the arbitrator of God by refusing anything that doesn't fit your particular mold of coming to Christ.
Imagican said:Fran, I do not speak out of ignorance so much as those that have chosen to devote themselves to a 'church' would think of me. I have simply accepted what has been offered REGARDLESS of what men may try and tell me. I love God and I KNOW He loves me and through the relationship that has developed, I am SURE that much of what I offer is HIDDEN to MANY others who have chosen instead to HOPE that 'someone else' can LEAD them to Salvation. Brothers and Sisters, NO ONE CAN OFFER YOU SALVATION OTHER THAN God Through His Son. NO CHURCH CAN SAVE YOU. NO ONE CAN DIE FOR YOU, save Christ Jesus.
And the Church is merely an intrument of Jesus Christ. The day your realize that, the day the Church will begin to make more sense to you, warts and all. It is the Bride of Christ - and while in this world, will appear at times to be a rather ugly and homely lady. But in the end, she gave birth to us (we don't baptize ourselves) and she continues to nourish us on the Word of God. In the end, salvation is only through Christ's Body, the Church.