You have great points Theo, but using your way of thinking, we should still stone disobedient children and put them out of the city gate as in Deuteronomy 21:18-21.
please enlighten me.
The Bible doesn't say that "we" are to stone disobedient children. Niether are "we" to stone homosexuals, adulterers nor anyone else. It says that we are to establish courts (see, for example, Deu. 16:18). These courts are to decide what punisment someone recieves who has committed some violation. Just as it is with our laws today, the laws of the Bible include a maximum sentence. And, just like it is today, the maximum sentence wasn't nearly always applied. In fact, a sanhedrin that passed the death sentence once in seven years was considered murderous. The judges did everything they could to avoid sentensing people to death. Many Christians today talk as if Jews went around stoning each other all the time, but that was not the case at all.
Most churches teach that the Old Testament, and particularly the Law (books of Moses) have been done away with and are no longer necessary or even relevant to Christians today. As a result, very many, perhaps even most, Christians don't bother to read the Old Testament. There are exceptions, of course, and maybe you are one of them, but my experience is that most Christians know very little of what the OT says, especially the Law. I know one man who has been saved for over 30 years who told me last summer that he was at that time reading the books of Moses for the first time in his life. I myself had hardly read the Law at all until about 5 or 6 years ago, and I've been saved for over 37 years. There would be a lot fewer misunderstandings about both testaments and a lot less disagreement on many subjects, if Christians would just read the OT and understand what it actually says. The Old Testament is, after all, the foundation on which the New Testament was built, and the Law is the foundation of the Old Testament.