:fadein: well dear folks, its time for me to permanently say so long. i am concluding my internet tenure, across the board... for good. its been fun and all, but all good things, in this instance, must end. please delete my account if such is feasable. i would sincerely appreciate it. rest assured that i have no hard feelings or anything remotely like that, i am just getting out of this whole internet cyber-mess while the getting is good. my prayer is that Yahweh God Almighty will obliterate the satanically inspired NWO, and completely expose the whole demonic "alien" and UFO deception for what it truly is... a human and demonic work of techno-occultic madness! sorry, there will be no more "alien" theories and/or the like. ...yall be blessed in Him!
tetra signing off... :infinity:
tetra signing off... :infinity: