Coming from an engineering background i think that art is related... The difference with art is that there are no constraints on the artist whereas the engineer has to meet certain criteria... So then, is a portrait art? Probably not cos the painter hasn't got any freedom...
We see art in the design of cars, buildings, boats and other things. The product has to be both functional and attractive
With civilizations past, the deterioration of art usually led to it's collapse... The Greek sculptures are a fine example...
The 20th century was the decline of art in my opinion with abstract painting. And compare todays vile music to the masterpieces created by people like Mozart and Beethoven...
Yea off course... Show me a Jew that isn't white...
Check out this mosaic from the 1st century AD...
Its of Jesus being baptized... But Jesus isn't depicted as the bearded one, instead he is a prepubescent boy...
Maybe thats what he really looked like...
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