Geographical inputs or influence have nothing to do with hearing the Gospel, and making a decision to believe in Christ.
Being discipled, however, might make daily life more stable once a child grows and then becomes a Christian.
Classik .. I was born into a Christian family.. Dad to be a pastor, still in Bible School when i was born...... I have literally lived in 2 active church buildings... Service Sunday morning Sunday night and Wednesday Bible Study.. Most everyones kids slept on a blanket under the pew in front of the moms I would not trade the teaching i 'pick up' just by being around not really paying attention.... Years of Sunday School ..... those lessons i draw on all the time... :halo
Skip to my teens... i lost my halo :neutral looking back i can see His mighty hand on my life... I never fell into the drug world PTL ...( i was 17 in 1964) I dont know where eternity would have been for me had a car wreck taken my life...
Somewhere around 1970 God * Jesus * Church * Bible * my upbringing all started to matter .. I had 2 kids......
My point for this...Yes I had given my heart to Jesus from my earliest days.. I knew as a young adult it was now MY responsibility longer my mom's... to make a stand for the Lord..... I heard some where God doesn't have grandchildren... :wink
Being raised in a Christian home has some great benefits .. although It is not your dad's salvation that gets you to heaven You are not walking with mama to the promise land... It is ones personal relationship with the Lord that puts you in His Kingdom...
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