ok i thought of quoting some of the responses. but maybe it is easier if i tell you that i am a protastant christian, which might explain a certain part of where my truth differs from the scripture.
"If I'm wrong then please show me one single violation of the Laws of Logic found in the Bible." here is one:
what is justice? is justice slaughtering a man and saying that then ur sin is forgiven through that?
logic would be that the law of justice layed in your mind and hart will proove out in the end that this is wrong, and i always see wrong things that happen will be brought back to mind and turned right..that's logic.
as jesus teaches the ones who believe in justice will cheer...
(for this part)
as to show allready one difference between truth and christianity.. if you disagree that's ok with me. just want to remind you that even catholics have to confess for their sin, right? then how come why would you even ask forgiveness for some if all is forgiven. i gues truth and own accountability does in combination with the consience.
and dont get me wrong, i have walked the route....and had it hard'
for my own sin and so bad to be gone, so there i do agree on being truly treu.
heathen, that's the english word right? well nowadays i believe all heathens celibrate all of the holy days just like xmas. since they can only benefit from it..
as to maybe jesus was there for them. the minority at first to grow out later having the upper upperhand(the western/christian world).the world to which jesus is the (corner) stone, the one the builders didnt want..
i can take that straight to today.. so many times before.:yes..(but nm that)
right now i first want to say that i was happy with the amount of responses, and also the variety in the end.
jesus is truth definataly yes, i can confirm so plus/minus 2000 years later, seriously. i can. there is no doubt of faith within me, believe as it comes to jesus and so messiah or saviour my faith is concreet llike a rock..
but another less heavily example. thie shall not take from the living tree or add to this book(the last words of the NT) what truth is in there? i am moraly very much against it since i think it isnt moraly right, so not truth.(and yes i did get plagues but really i have a decease..)
if there would not be added or separated from whats in the book. then it would be dieing out and in eternity turn into symbolisme and myth. having nice leaves..
i think this what i adress here'(adding or taking) might be the mature reason why i started this; (me') the follow up!, remember it isnt finished untill all is fullfilled.(instead of obayed)
maybe that's sounds a lill immature but i promise you i havent lied a word and all comes from the mind and hart.
(and as paul says the failable buildings upon the construction will be proven to be treu or good after it burns')
another truth that i can bring to light which might differ is that words coming rfom the hart at first hand and intend are good, and not of murder and rape. so on this point i would have to be flexible and say ok yes it's possible that such things come from the hart. but at first intend i believe not so.
it's almost 10 am here, so i get this post to an end.
i hope if' i was understandable, that i didnt hurt any feelings. but showed some which is actual' truth to certainly be taken in consideration when having or doing an "overvieuw".
tomorrow a new day for the internet, i go look outside at the stars now, or just one..;)
p.s. elijah674 i wish i was able to understand more of your post, i found it hard to read or see what it was actually about