Well we all decided since it went so well last Christmass, to have a pajama day for Christmass. Last year on Christmas day it was a pajama party day. Our family friend came walking down the street with his long johns on with a red/blue blaid washed out flannel men's long night shirt on with his moose w/antlers hat on and his monkey socks on with his neon orange crocs with a cup of coffee in hand, and I laughed myself stupid. While Sandi and the kids had their pet slippers on, and long flannel nightgowns, and footy pajamas for adults on and hats that played jingle bells, antlers, and did all kinds of stuff. It was a sight to see everyone coming in with pajama's, I couldnt even imagine what the neighbors thought. We had some pretty strange pajama apparall going on, and everybody just loved it! Everyone just had a wonderful time.
When I suggested it last year, everyone said Carol only you would come up with something so strange, and I said lets try it! Well, it was really wonderful, you were comfortable, could eat all you wanted without the deadly waistbands killing your well rounded bellies, sat around and drank hot chocolate w/marshmellows, played scrabble, took pictures and just laughed our butts off with everyone getups! So everyone loved it so much, well were doing it again! Looking forward to everyone pajama atire this year, we had some real doozies last year!
Now I know it sounds strange, but believe me it is alot of fun for everyone, and if you need a nap, grab a blankie and catch a few zzzzzz and get up and start over on eating! It just went so well, so if any of you are game....try it, you'll like it.....it's really fun!