This is about as close to church as I"m going to get for a while, I think. I'm stigmatized and ostracized 'round here. I went to a megachurch w/ mah daddy...some young women said some things about me that I overheard. Special. How very Christian.
I've had other problems being low status and all that going into church. I think...its hard enough in the normal world when people are cruel...when it happens in a church, it gets to me.
--sigh-- Plus, I like the free exchange of ideas and info here. Not all of it is Scripturally sound, of course, but...well, then again, a lot of things in Christian bookstores aren't Scripturally sound, either, lol.
So...yes. I think this place qualifies as church. My friend Verna always tells me "God knows right where you're at," and I think He sees that for a lot of us...this is our church home.