God At The First Did Visit The Gentiles.
By: ____ Gender: M Age: 49 on Apr 23, 2010 at 2:19 PM
This being what it is, a Biblical and Theological Issues discussion forum, it seems relevant enough. We learn a lot more through discussion and checking up on one another (including ourselves) than from the one man show most get in today's street corner building assemblies.
Where else are you going to learn about all these Gentiles?
OK: Elijah here. AAA still has the Subject going which 'i' agree with (almost) completely. Gods creation were ONE [MANKIND] in LANGUAGE + SPEECH. [RACE is said to be that of the IMAGE OF GOD!] Gen. 10:32 + Gen. 11:1 (and image was before sin & all might agree with that?)
What bothers me is ones questioning God! Such as Gen. 3 & DEATH. If one does not believe God, how can anyone go further on in Truth?? The point was brought up of translations, + all kinds of 'doubting' word translations with men who were not inspired, yet were surely sincere Christians? The question mark is for that purpose! They were surely all leaning towards their belief just like UNINSPIRED ones of today are doing. (me, you or anyone else)
AAA, (and he seems like a fine person?) brings up the [Truthful] thought that in Lev. 11 [GOD SEPARATED] the clean from the unclean. Then he takes you to where badgers skin is used by mans translation in a number of verses in Gods Word. (K.J.)
I gave a posting of what I believe was the problem from another's 'pen' saying that GOAT was the clean animal that perhaps should have been used in word translation? Then here comes the 2 Cor. 4:2 remark (bottom/line) that who is this guy that questions the translators of the Word of God that cannot tell the difference between a Bagger and a Goat??
That green remark above might sound kind of cute? (but is vain to me) Well... my wife tells [me] that that word 'well' is a mighty deep subject for [shallow minded men!]??
SO: ... Instead of the post of another who could also be called the Jer. 17:5 arm of flesh?? let me tell you what 'i' myself will NEVER DISCARD! GOD said.. 'FOR I AM THE LORD, I CHANGE NOT..' Mal. 3:6 God HOLY SPIRIT INSPIRED in what is called the N.T... 'JESUS CHRIST, THE SAME YESTERDAY, AND TODAY, AND FOREVER. [BE NOT CARRIED ABOUT WITH DIVERS AND STRANGE DOCTRINES] For it is a [GOOD THING THAT THE HEART BE ESTABLISHED WITH GRACE]; ..'
Badgers Skin?? I personally believe that satan & his fallen angels had a 'ball' with both 'fermented' wine & with that translation + Gen. 3 lies of theirs.
And surely the 'CHURCH' (Acts 7:37-39) in the wilderness with Christ INSIDE at times were taught this Truth! And even in the N.T. the Holy Spirit was to bring ALL THING TO THESE [BELIEVERS] REMEMBRANCE. And in Acts 10 Peter had a DIRECT VISION for GOD where he stated NOT SO LORD.. to a direct COMMAND, and the [MATURE] REASON [[WAS]] THAT HE HAD NEVER [EATEN ANYTHING COMMON OR UNCLEAN] BECAUSE GOD SAID NOT TO! ! (badger!)
AGAIN: Three TIMES GOD GAVE him the Vision!! PETER was [[[SETTLED]]] IN THE TRUTH that GOD NEVER VIOLATED HIS WORD!! (*Col. 1:23 N.T.)
So what was the problem??? It is 'man translation' of what the Holy Spirit was SAYING! [[THREE TIMES]] But, Peter [[[KNEW]]] that it was his misunderstanding of what God was telling him that was the problem! (which the next few verses document)
And even then we have 'c'hristian folks tell us that God cleansed the 'badger', 'swine', +! .. and just ask a presumptuous blessing on arsenic before drinking it, and all is well. And that man has a separate living thinking SOUL & would go to heaven???!!
There has been a lot of garbage posted on Gen. 3:1-5 by [mankind +], but until they can BELIEVE GOD DOES NOT CHANGE, but STANDS BY THEIR WORD, [mankind] will just be a memory that fadeth away eternally before long! Obad. 1:16
By: ____ Gender: M Age: 49 on Apr 23, 2010 at 2:19 PM
This being what it is, a Biblical and Theological Issues discussion forum, it seems relevant enough. We learn a lot more through discussion and checking up on one another (including ourselves) than from the one man show most get in today's street corner building assemblies.
Where else are you going to learn about all these Gentiles?
OK: Elijah here. AAA still has the Subject going which 'i' agree with (almost) completely. Gods creation were ONE [MANKIND] in LANGUAGE + SPEECH. [RACE is said to be that of the IMAGE OF GOD!] Gen. 10:32 + Gen. 11:1 (and image was before sin & all might agree with that?)
What bothers me is ones questioning God! Such as Gen. 3 & DEATH. If one does not believe God, how can anyone go further on in Truth?? The point was brought up of translations, + all kinds of 'doubting' word translations with men who were not inspired, yet were surely sincere Christians? The question mark is for that purpose! They were surely all leaning towards their belief just like UNINSPIRED ones of today are doing. (me, you or anyone else)
AAA, (and he seems like a fine person?) brings up the [Truthful] thought that in Lev. 11 [GOD SEPARATED] the clean from the unclean. Then he takes you to where badgers skin is used by mans translation in a number of verses in Gods Word. (K.J.)
I gave a posting of what I believe was the problem from another's 'pen' saying that GOAT was the clean animal that perhaps should have been used in word translation? Then here comes the 2 Cor. 4:2 remark (bottom/line) that who is this guy that questions the translators of the Word of God that cannot tell the difference between a Bagger and a Goat??
That green remark above might sound kind of cute? (but is vain to me) Well... my wife tells [me] that that word 'well' is a mighty deep subject for [shallow minded men!]??
SO: ... Instead of the post of another who could also be called the Jer. 17:5 arm of flesh?? let me tell you what 'i' myself will NEVER DISCARD! GOD said.. 'FOR I AM THE LORD, I CHANGE NOT..' Mal. 3:6 God HOLY SPIRIT INSPIRED in what is called the N.T... 'JESUS CHRIST, THE SAME YESTERDAY, AND TODAY, AND FOREVER. [BE NOT CARRIED ABOUT WITH DIVERS AND STRANGE DOCTRINES] For it is a [GOOD THING THAT THE HEART BE ESTABLISHED WITH GRACE]; ..'
Badgers Skin?? I personally believe that satan & his fallen angels had a 'ball' with both 'fermented' wine & with that translation + Gen. 3 lies of theirs.
And surely the 'CHURCH' (Acts 7:37-39) in the wilderness with Christ INSIDE at times were taught this Truth! And even in the N.T. the Holy Spirit was to bring ALL THING TO THESE [BELIEVERS] REMEMBRANCE. And in Acts 10 Peter had a DIRECT VISION for GOD where he stated NOT SO LORD.. to a direct COMMAND, and the [MATURE] REASON [[WAS]] THAT HE HAD NEVER [EATEN ANYTHING COMMON OR UNCLEAN] BECAUSE GOD SAID NOT TO! ! (badger!)
AGAIN: Three TIMES GOD GAVE him the Vision!! PETER was [[[SETTLED]]] IN THE TRUTH that GOD NEVER VIOLATED HIS WORD!! (*Col. 1:23 N.T.)
So what was the problem??? It is 'man translation' of what the Holy Spirit was SAYING! [[THREE TIMES]] But, Peter [[[KNEW]]] that it was his misunderstanding of what God was telling him that was the problem! (which the next few verses document)
And even then we have 'c'hristian folks tell us that God cleansed the 'badger', 'swine', +! .. and just ask a presumptuous blessing on arsenic before drinking it, and all is well. And that man has a separate living thinking SOUL & would go to heaven???!!
There has been a lot of garbage posted on Gen. 3:1-5 by [mankind +], but until they can BELIEVE GOD DOES NOT CHANGE, but STANDS BY THEIR WORD, [mankind] will just be a memory that fadeth away eternally before long! Obad. 1:16