No Christian should be confused about the coming of Christ's Kingdom, nor where it is to be manifested per God's Holy Writ. His Kingdom is not manifested yet today, because it is to manifest here on earth per God's Word:
Rev 11:15
15 And the seventh angel sounded; and there were great voices in heaven, saying, The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of His Christ; and He shall reign for ever and ever.
That one verse declares Christ's Kingdom comes when the "seventh angel" sounds, and it's about His taking over all the kingdoms of this world on earth. And from that point forward, Christ will rule over it for ever and ever. Moreover, Zechariah 14 shows us Christ's feet will touch down upon the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem when He returns, and that area will be cleaved in two to form a great valley there for the saints returning. Just because that part is written in the Old Testament Book of Zechariah don't let it sway you. It has not happenned yet.
OK then. If you understand the above, then why are doctrines being preached against that today? Who is really behind movements today that want to us to believe this world as it is now, is already Christ's Kingdom come? What movement is happenning on earth today that would want us Christians to believe Christ's Kingdom has already come on earth?
We all certainly know about Christ's Apostle's teaching that those who believe on Jesus Christ are now known as the "sons of God", and have become "a new creature" through Christ. That is considered to be meant in the spiritual sense, because it's obvious we're still in a material creation here on earth. But is it meant only spiritually or literally? It is literal, because our Lord Jesus taught there will be a resurrection of the damned also, and they'll still be liable to perish at the "second death" in the "lake of fire". Thus becoming the "sons of God" and "a new creature" through Christ is literally about our soul putting on immortality by The Holy Spirit through Christ Jesus unto Eternal Life. But we have to go through the resurrection for that to be fully manifested. Have you been raised from the dead yet, or gone through the "last trump" change the Apostle Paul taught in 1 Cor.15? I don't think so, if you're able to read and reply to any of this.
There's obvious earthly material conditions llinked with the literal coming of Christ's Kingdom and its manifesting on earth, showing us when and how it will come. The important thing is to realize its literal coming on earth with all the Scripture conditions being met has yet to happen. It's still expecting today, so don't allow anyone to try and cheat you on that, causing you to think this world now is Christ's Kingdom come. Why would some want us to believe differently?
I've known about the plan to establish a "one world government" on this earth since the late '70's. I didn't really understand that until I got more into God's Word for myself asking our Lord's help. I've even met some of the smaller group of thinkers that are in that world government movement. Most haven't had that kind of exposure to it. But once you become aware, it's then very easy to look up history about that movement, finding things written coming out of their own mouths pointing directly to it, even the term "one world government" and it's use in periodicals and various news articles (from even political speeches).
What's difficult to fathom about those, is that quite a few of them are professing Christians. They serve a double life, because they actually believe true Christianity is not really about what most Christians believe. They are taught and think that true Christianity is allied more with eastern traditions of esoteric practices like the ancient 'mystery schools' of temple initiation ritual and transcendentalism. This is why they are so willing to accept ALL religions as merely different paths to the same God. It's about the gathering of all kingdoms and nations together into their "one world government".
What does this mean? It means today, among Christian Churches, we have some of them influencing the doctrines of Christ according to their beliefs from their training in the various mystical initiation outlets allied with the one world government factions. It means WE MAY EXPECT doctrines today among the Churches to include ideas about Christ's Kingdom having come on this earth in the NOW, to include tolerance of ALL religious beliefs in joining all nations together on earth. And that in order create what condition on this earth? The "Peace and safety" sign the Apostle Paul gave in 1 Thess.5.
According to our Heavenly Father, why is that nation gathering idea set for the last days?
Zeph 3:8-9
8 Therefore wait ye upon Me, saith the LORD, until the day that I rise up to the prey: for My determination is to gather the nations, that I may assemble the kingdoms, to pour upon them Mine indignation, even all My fierce anger: for all the earth shall be devoured with the fire of My jealousy.
9 For then will I turn to the people a pure language, that they may all call upon the name of the LORD, to serve Him with one consent.
That's the "sudden destruction" Apostle Paul was talking about in 1 Thess.5 that will come upon "them", when they shall say, "Peace and safety" (1 Thess.5:3; see also Isaiah 8). That time of "Peace and safety" shows us that in the very end just prior to Christ's coming, there will be a time of peace and safety on this earth, with all nations joined together with a one world government system over them. That's the first beast system of Rev.13:1, the whole statue of Daniel 2 with ten toes made of mixed iron and clay that will tumble when The Stone the builders rejected smacks it (Dan.2:34-35). Those in Christ Jesus are to be found WAITING for Christ all the way to the end until The LORD rises up to the prey and pours out His indignation upon that world system.
This shows there's to be a false world kingdom in the last days that wants to act like Christ's future True Kingdom still to come. In Rev.13:11 forward we're shown another beast that is to come and play the religous head in contrast to the political one world government beast system of Rev.13:1. One world, one government, and one religious head over all the earth's nations and religions. That's the grand picture. So when your religous system or Church starts telling you to bow down to that one-world religious head that will be part of the world government's plan, run, don't walk away from that group, for to fall in with that will be to play the spiritual harlot and not remain a chaste virgin waiting on Christ Jesus.
Rev 11:15
15 And the seventh angel sounded; and there were great voices in heaven, saying, The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of His Christ; and He shall reign for ever and ever.
That one verse declares Christ's Kingdom comes when the "seventh angel" sounds, and it's about His taking over all the kingdoms of this world on earth. And from that point forward, Christ will rule over it for ever and ever. Moreover, Zechariah 14 shows us Christ's feet will touch down upon the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem when He returns, and that area will be cleaved in two to form a great valley there for the saints returning. Just because that part is written in the Old Testament Book of Zechariah don't let it sway you. It has not happenned yet.
OK then. If you understand the above, then why are doctrines being preached against that today? Who is really behind movements today that want to us to believe this world as it is now, is already Christ's Kingdom come? What movement is happenning on earth today that would want us Christians to believe Christ's Kingdom has already come on earth?
We all certainly know about Christ's Apostle's teaching that those who believe on Jesus Christ are now known as the "sons of God", and have become "a new creature" through Christ. That is considered to be meant in the spiritual sense, because it's obvious we're still in a material creation here on earth. But is it meant only spiritually or literally? It is literal, because our Lord Jesus taught there will be a resurrection of the damned also, and they'll still be liable to perish at the "second death" in the "lake of fire". Thus becoming the "sons of God" and "a new creature" through Christ is literally about our soul putting on immortality by The Holy Spirit through Christ Jesus unto Eternal Life. But we have to go through the resurrection for that to be fully manifested. Have you been raised from the dead yet, or gone through the "last trump" change the Apostle Paul taught in 1 Cor.15? I don't think so, if you're able to read and reply to any of this.
There's obvious earthly material conditions llinked with the literal coming of Christ's Kingdom and its manifesting on earth, showing us when and how it will come. The important thing is to realize its literal coming on earth with all the Scripture conditions being met has yet to happen. It's still expecting today, so don't allow anyone to try and cheat you on that, causing you to think this world now is Christ's Kingdom come. Why would some want us to believe differently?
I've known about the plan to establish a "one world government" on this earth since the late '70's. I didn't really understand that until I got more into God's Word for myself asking our Lord's help. I've even met some of the smaller group of thinkers that are in that world government movement. Most haven't had that kind of exposure to it. But once you become aware, it's then very easy to look up history about that movement, finding things written coming out of their own mouths pointing directly to it, even the term "one world government" and it's use in periodicals and various news articles (from even political speeches).
What's difficult to fathom about those, is that quite a few of them are professing Christians. They serve a double life, because they actually believe true Christianity is not really about what most Christians believe. They are taught and think that true Christianity is allied more with eastern traditions of esoteric practices like the ancient 'mystery schools' of temple initiation ritual and transcendentalism. This is why they are so willing to accept ALL religions as merely different paths to the same God. It's about the gathering of all kingdoms and nations together into their "one world government".
What does this mean? It means today, among Christian Churches, we have some of them influencing the doctrines of Christ according to their beliefs from their training in the various mystical initiation outlets allied with the one world government factions. It means WE MAY EXPECT doctrines today among the Churches to include ideas about Christ's Kingdom having come on this earth in the NOW, to include tolerance of ALL religious beliefs in joining all nations together on earth. And that in order create what condition on this earth? The "Peace and safety" sign the Apostle Paul gave in 1 Thess.5.
According to our Heavenly Father, why is that nation gathering idea set for the last days?
Zeph 3:8-9
8 Therefore wait ye upon Me, saith the LORD, until the day that I rise up to the prey: for My determination is to gather the nations, that I may assemble the kingdoms, to pour upon them Mine indignation, even all My fierce anger: for all the earth shall be devoured with the fire of My jealousy.
9 For then will I turn to the people a pure language, that they may all call upon the name of the LORD, to serve Him with one consent.
That's the "sudden destruction" Apostle Paul was talking about in 1 Thess.5 that will come upon "them", when they shall say, "Peace and safety" (1 Thess.5:3; see also Isaiah 8). That time of "Peace and safety" shows us that in the very end just prior to Christ's coming, there will be a time of peace and safety on this earth, with all nations joined together with a one world government system over them. That's the first beast system of Rev.13:1, the whole statue of Daniel 2 with ten toes made of mixed iron and clay that will tumble when The Stone the builders rejected smacks it (Dan.2:34-35). Those in Christ Jesus are to be found WAITING for Christ all the way to the end until The LORD rises up to the prey and pours out His indignation upon that world system.
This shows there's to be a false world kingdom in the last days that wants to act like Christ's future True Kingdom still to come. In Rev.13:11 forward we're shown another beast that is to come and play the religous head in contrast to the political one world government beast system of Rev.13:1. One world, one government, and one religious head over all the earth's nations and religions. That's the grand picture. So when your religous system or Church starts telling you to bow down to that one-world religious head that will be part of the world government's plan, run, don't walk away from that group, for to fall in with that will be to play the spiritual harlot and not remain a chaste virgin waiting on Christ Jesus.