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Considering Suleiman’s decree in 1537, does the Hebrew of Dan 9:24-27; actually teach a double 70 week prophecy?


I learned of a second decree made by Sultan Suleiman in AD 1537-41, which is still engraved in stone, to rebuild Jerusalem; I found this information in the book “Witnessing the end” by Dr. Christian Widener.

So I began to consider what Dr. Widener put forth; that Dan.9.24-27, is teaching a seeming double 70 week prophecy; that does not call for an unfulfilled 70th week, that still needs to be fulfilled, as is commonly held.

Rather the text has a double application to two decrees; where the first 70 weeks have been fulfilled, and we are now currently in the final week, (or my understanding, we soon will be) of the second set of 70 weeks.

The first set of 70 weeks begin from the building of city in BC 459 (which was 77 yrs after the decreed of Cyrus, who was God’s anointed (Isa.45.1); and culminate with the first coming of the Messiah, His ministry to Israel, and ending the final week at His crucifixion; which resulted in the cutting off of the people, that are against Him, and the destruction of the holy city (Acts. 3.23; Rom. 11). Being that, they did not recognize the time of visitation (AD 70, Lk.19.42-44).

The second set of 70 weeks concern the return of old Jerusalem back under Jewish control; and a prevailing of the people of the covenant (that do not rebel, ie the departure); who during the time of anguish (i.e. the tribulation); are purified, and will turn to God in righteousness (Dan.12. 1, 10).

They will be saved out of the tribulation unto God, as an offering of sacrifice, unto Himself for the reconciliation of the cosmos, back under the dominion of His image Col.1.15-22, 24; Dan12.1-3; Mt.24.21-22, 29-30; Eph.1.4; 18; 2.6-10; 5. 26-27).

They not loving their lives unto death, having overcome the power of the devil, by the blood of Christ, and by the word of their testimony.

God having choose to establish His dominion over the cosmos; through the redemption of His firstborn corporate conquering image; these faithful will overcome the powers of the Age, and will partake in the reward of the firstborn inheritance with Christ, at the time of the adoption (i.e, the placing of a Son, to his allotted firstborn inheritance; (Rom.8. 17, 23; Col. 1.12, 24; 3.8-11; cp. Dan.7.14, 18, 12.2-3, 8-9; cp. Isa.60. 12; 66.1; Ex.4.22).

There suffering is received by God as an offering for the atonement of God's sacred space (Dan.8.14; cp.Rev.12.1-10; Lev.16.8-22); and results in the perseveration of those of the Nation of Israel (Isa.65.8-9, 13; cp. 49.5; 53.11; cp. Acts.26.23; Tim.2.10; Col.1.24); that shall be taken to the wilderness (the woman, those of Israel that have not taken the mark of the beast) during the time the desolation, of the beast kingdom (Rev.12. 5-6 ).

The vision and the prophecy culminate with the final return of Christ Jesus; who will destroy the beast kingdom, and establish His Kingdom upon the earth; bringing desolation to the abomination (Dan.2.44-45; 7:13-14, 27; cp. Acts.1.6)

I rendered every word in its original order; and with the information of this new decree as an anchor point; the nuance seems to accurately align with relevant biblical themes; and with historical, and current geopolitical events. I would like some feedback, suggestions, or comments.
Dan.9.24: there are H5921 separated H2852 seventy H7657 weeks H7620; for the holy H6944 city H5892 (old Jerusalem); and for your people H597; [to put an end] [ולחת] to the rebellion 6588; and to restrain H3607 (iniquity ) H2304 ( 2 Thes. 2.6-7).

Here we have an intended thought play, between a “separated” set of 70 weeks (70/70). Which is slightly veiled within the text (as will be shown below); and with a divided 70 weeks, which is what one would naturally conclude, in simply reading the “62” in the preceding passages (7+62×1).

[These sins H2304 ] חטאות is doubled in Heb., and not rendered in the A.V) (will be brought to an end) H2856 at the coming H935 punishment H5771; which will be for purging H3722, cp. Dan.12.10).

The vision H2377, and Its sealing up H2856 (Dan.12.4) are concerned with the age H5769 of righteousness H6664; and is when the holy H6944 of holies, H6944 will be anointed H4886 (Ez. 43-48).

This prophecy H530 (Dan.9.25) to some H4480 will be made understood H7919, and known H3045; that from the building H7919, from the restoration H7725 of the command H1697 that went forth from H4161 the ruler H5057, anointed H4899 of Jerusalem H3389; there shall be weeks H7620:

"From the building” 459 BC to 409-10 BC; 7 weeks, 49 yrs; and “From the restoration” then the 62 weeks begin.

After the completion of the wall, and the restoration of the rededication of the temple (Ezra 6 10,15-19); 410-9 B.C; + 62 weeks = 434 yrs. And ends up at 24-25 A.D., then the final week of the first set of 70 weeks, which came to an end at 31-32 A.D at the crucifixion of Christ.

The “sealing up” of the vision corresponds with the “ the this prophecy” that will be made understood and known, cp. Dan. 12.9-10; and should be read in verse 25;

Seventy H7651 (cp. Gen.4.24), seven H7620 (cp.Ez.45.21), then they shall build H1129.

Seventy Seven years from the decree of Cyrus 536 B.C., ends at 459 B.C., and is when the building of the city began.

And it shall be returned at H7725 the second H8147 (H8147 is rendered “second “ in Dan.2.1), sixty H8346; and anguished H6695, and diligence H2742 will be in their streets H7339 in those times H6296.

From the completion of Suleiman’s building of the wall, in 1541 A.D (+ 490 = 2031 A.D); unto “the second 60th week”, is 1960-67; and is when Jerusalem, the old city; the original Jerusalem, referred today as “east” Jerusalem; was returned under Jewish control, after the 6 day war 1967).

Dan. 9.26: Two H8147 and sixty H8346 weeks H7620 after H310; none לוֹ ( not numbered in the Heb.), but not being for H369 Messiah H4899, will be cut off H3722 (Acts.3.23).

For there will be corruption/ destruction H7843 for the holy H6924 city H5892 (the destruction of the Roman siege, Lk.21.20-24; A.D., 69-70 A.D.). (And a double application to the Dome of the rock, which says “God has no Son”.

“after” the completion of the wall, and the dedication of the temple (Ezra 6 10,15-19); 410-9 B.C, + 62 weeks = 434 yrs. ends up at 24-25 A.D.; then the final week of the first set of 70 weeks, which came to an end at 31-32 A.D at the crucifixion of Christ.

And shall come H935 of the ruler H5057 the people H5971 with a flood H7858;

(i.e., Oct.7, 2023; Al-Aqsa “Flood” fullfilment, or first aspect of fullfilment; the Hamas-led attack; “the people” of Saladin, i.e., the ottoman kingdom, i.e., Islamic jihad).

(Astroid "child" comes out of virgo, seen on stellarium, on Oct.7th, possible partial, or full fulfillment of Rev.12.1-13; cp. Isa.26.17-21).

Rev.12:2-5 And she being with child cried, travailing in birth, and pained to be delivered.And there appeared another wonder in heaven; and behold a great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his heads.And she brought forth a man child, who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron: and her child was caught up unto God, and to his throne.

Isaiah 26:17 Like as a woman with child, that draweth near the time of her delivery, is in pain, and crieth out in her pangs; so have we been in thy sight, O LORD.

Isaiah 26:19 Thy dead men shall live, together with my dead body shall they arise. Awake and sing, ye that dwell in dust: for thy dew is as the dew of herbs, and the earth shall cast out the dead.

Isaiah 26:20 Come, my people, enter thou into thy chambers, and shut thy doors about thee: hide thyself as it were for a little moment, until the indignation be overpast.

And at the end H7093, desolation H8074 is determined H2782, for the battle H4421 at the end 7093 of the week. 7620

Dan.9.27: And many of the H7727 covenant H1285 He shall cause to prevail H1396 for the week H7620, and a half H2677 of one H259 (Zech.10.6,12); and upon H5921 an offering H4503 of sacrifice H2077; and He shall bring to an end H7673 abominations H8251; upon wings H3671, even intill H5704 the one who shall make desolate H8074, pours out that H5413 which is decreed H2782 for the consummation H3617 on it HH5921

When the sufferings of Christ are filled up by His body; it is by this sacrificial service that God will cause the abominations end. This implies that it is by their sufferings, which must be fulfilled, God’s before God’s wrath comes upon the world:

Rev 6:10 “And they cried with a loud voice, saying, How long, O Lord, holy and true, dost thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth? v11 And white robes were given unto every one of them; and it was said unto them, that they should rest yet for a little season, until their fellow servants also and their brethren, that should be killed as they were, should be fulfilled.

The “week”; and the half of the following one, is implying when the elect will be saved out of the time of persecution (i.e., the time of tribulation) soon after it begins (Dan.12.1-3; Mt.24. 29-31; 2 Thes. 4. 15-17 ). Which will be around the middle period of the final week.

“Upon an offering of sacrifice”, is when the body is caught up to God, soon after the tribulation begins; their sacrificial service, will result in God bringing to a end abomination, by the coming wrath of the day of the LORD (Rev 12.10).

At this time the woman (i.e. the persevered of Israel) will be persevered, being brought on “wings” to the wilderness, intill the final return of Christ, when he will desolate the abomination.

This is because of the sacrificial service of the church which is Christ's Body, this elect company are caught up, and are received as an offering unto God, for partaking in the ministry of the suffering servant, Eph.1.4; Col.1 24; Rom.8.17; 12.1; Rev. 14.11, 13; 2 Thes.1.7; Isa.26.19,21).

When we turn to related passages in Daniel, we find the word "sacrifice" is not in the original; it only takes place in 9.27; and in all these other scriptures (Daniel 8:11-13; 11:31; 12:11); the word "sacrifice" has been added in the English translation. (Which in my opinion really throws us of from the authors intended meaning).

Here is an example: Dan.12.11 "And shall understand the wise continually H8548; that shall be removed H5493 (cp. Gen. 8.13) from the time H6265 of the desolation H8074 of abomination H825, that shall be given over H5414 1290 days (Cp. Rev.12.1-15).

So the wise will be removed; but the unwise are not, but they will be preserved in the wilderness, being carried on wings (Rev.12. 3-7, 14; Dan.12.10; Mt. 25.2).

Then at the end of this final week, the battle of Armageddon will take place.
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A long time ago I held to a future 70th Week. But in the end I felt I had to capitulate to the obvious--the 70th Week cannot be a future Week. It has to follow the 69th Week directly!

So, from 457 BC to 27 AD (roughly) takes you from Artaxerxes' Decree to the start of Jesus' ministry. The Roman king/caesar brought an end to temple sacrifices and offerings by putting Jesus to death. Later, it desolated the city of Jerusalem and the sanctuary. That is the essence of Dan 9.24-27.

The Roman Army, the "people of the prince to come," was the "abomination of desolation," which Jesus identified as such in the Olivet Discourse, in particular Luke 21.
This is what the Bible clearly reveals about the seventy weeks. From vs.24 to vs.27 was seventy weeks or 490 days (490 prophetic years when you add a day for a year principle), beginning with Ezra, Ezra chapter 1-6, rebuilding the temple to the time of the Messiah (Jesus Christ) being fulfilled in His birth, death and resurrection. In a sense it was a literal and spiritual temple that was being built. Ezra was teaching the people of the spiritual temple of God that indwelled in all that believed in God and of the coming of Messiah. There was actually a four hundred year span from Ezra till the birth of Jesus that God shut himself off from Israel because of their transgressions towards the Lord, Malachi Chapter 4, but saved a remnant that would believe in the coming of Messiah, Isaiah 10. As still today, God still waits for National Israel to repent and believe in the name of Jesus as they still follow Judaism.

Daniel 9:24-27 the Vision of the Seventy Weeks

Vs. 24 this verse shows us that the timing from Ezra to the cross was 490 days (490 Prophetic years) as within that time Ezra was reestablishing the law in Jerusalem until Jesus had fulfilled the end of transgression, made an end to sin, made reconciliation for iniquity and bring everlasting righteousness and to seal up the prophecy to fulfill parts of the law through the cross.

Vs. 25 from the time of the cross, which also means the last days, which includes what some like to separate and call The Great Tribulation, which is not mentioned anywhere in scripture and is not a separate event after the elect of God are caught up, but as the last days so we are in tribulation times until the end of the world as we know it, Acts 2:17; Hebrews 1:1,2; Matthew 24:4-31; Mark 13:24-31; Luke 21:5-36. These are just some of the scriptures that support that we will go through all things of Rev Chapter 6-21. Everyone will have opportunity to come unto salvation through Jesus Christ if they would only believe until the door of salvation is closed when Jesus calls us and we meet him in the clouds, which after this time no one can be saved, Matthew 25:10.

Vs.26 after 434 years that end in the year AD29 shall Messiah be cut off. Jesus was crucified after he was baptized in AD 29 three and a half years later. Jesus was cut off (killed) by the people of the Romans under Vespasian their prince that the Pharisees, Sanhedrin and the high priest who have favor with that destroy the city and the sanctuary (meaning Christ) and the end thereof shall be with a flood (Gods wrath) that will put an end to abominations by desolation or in other words a ruin to evil deeds. Daniel 9:27 explains the definitions of desolation of abominations or the ruin of evil deeds. There is no actual Desolations of Abominations where a so called Antichrist (emphasis on the capitol "A") will take a literal throne, but the desolation will be when the son of perdition, being the false prophet/last antichrist, tries to take his throne in Jerusalem, Daniel 11:36-45. Gods word never defines one great Antichrist, but says there are many antichrists, 1John2:18; 11 Thessalonians 2:1-12; Revelation 11:7. The seven years that some call the seven year tribulation means three and a half years beginning with the first six seals being the beginning of sorrows (first woe). The last three and a half years starting with the (second woe) with the sounding of the first trumpet and ending with the seventh trumpet that includes everything else written in Revelations that includes the time of Christ return for His Bride in Rev 19 up to the end when Satan is cast into the lake of fire with the beast and the false prophet and ends with the new Jerusalem being ushered down as then we will be with the Lord forever.

Vs.27 the 70th seven began with Christ baptism in AD 29 and three years later at the end of the first half of the 70th seven sacrifices and offering ceased because Christ hung on the cross. From the giving of the law in 458BC when Ezra went to establish the law, or to rebuild the spiritual city right to the cross where the first 69 sevens. The 70th seven is from the time of the cross until Jesus comes back in the air to call his Bride home and for the overspreading of abominations he will make desolate, or make an end to all who would not believe.

During its long history, Jerusalem has been destroyed at least twice, besieged 23 times, attacked 52 times, and captured and recaptured 44 times. The last siege and destruction of the 2nd Temple and the wall was in 70AD as a revolt led by Titus as he broke through the walls and destroyed the Temple in Jerusalem. The wall and the Temple were never rebuilt, nor will it be in the future. The Temple mount laid waste until the Dome of the Rock was built on it in 691AD by the caliph Abd al-Malik ibn Marwan. The Islamic control over the Dome of the Rock will never surrender the original temple mount back to the Jews.

The last decree to build and restore Jerusalem, including the building of the second Temple that took 49 days/49 prophetic years, came around 538BC with the decree given to Ezra by King Cyrus. Through much oppositions the city, walls and the second Temple were completed on the third day of the month Adar, which was in the sixth year of the reign of King Darius II around 417BC as he reigned from 423BC to 404BC, Ezra Chapter 1-6. This was part of the vision given to Daniel as the full prophecy given to him is found in Daniel Chapters 9-12.

During the first six trumpets we read all the destruction that will befall earth and its inhabitants during God's great wrath being poured out into the world on those who are none of Christ as they refuse to repent. This will be worldwide which will cause much chaos and great fear in the hearts of those who have no understanding, Hosea 4:6, 7. They will be seeking a type of savior, yet rejecting the very Savior, Christ Jesus, who wants to save them.

During the sounding of the seventh trumpet they will accept this deceptive savior who is the son of perdition, 2 Thessalonians 2:3-12, who will take his seat in Jerusalem on the very Temple Mount where the Dome of the Rock sits and even now is being refurbished. He will try and rule the nations for 3 1/2 years causing all to bow down and take its mark as he promises peace and safety displaying lying signs and wonders claiming he is God. Those who refuse will be taken captive and dealt with as many Christians will either become a slave or die a martyr's death, Rev 13.

Matthew 24:29-31; Rev 19:11-21, At the end of the 3 1/2 years of the beast and its false prophet, Christ returns with His army (warring angels) from heaven and fights the final battle destroying the beast and false prophet by the spirit (word) of His mouth and the brightness of His coming, 2 Thessalonians 2:8, casting both into the lake of fire. Then will Christ destroy the remnant being those who followed after the beast out of the earth from every nation that have always followed and obeyed the beast.

Rev 20 This is the time of the gathering of the saints when Christ sends His angels out to the four corners of the earth to gather all who are His that are asleep in the grave and alive at His coming, Matthew 24:29-31 as He then binds Satan for a time so he can not interfere with the gathering. Once we are gathered to Him Jesus lets Satan loose for a time to gather his army, which I believe to be his demonic angels, against the camp of the saints, but God consumes his army by fire sent down from heaven and Satan is then cast into the lake of fire. All those who have now been slain by Jesus are gathered with the rest of the dead and face God's final judgment as their names are not found written in the Lamb's book of life and are cast into the lake of fire.

Rev 21:1 And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea. 2 And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. 3 And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God. 4 And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away. 5 And he that sat upon the throne said, Behold, I make all things new.
A long time ago I held to a future 70th Week. But in the end I felt I had to capitulate to the obvious--the 70th Week cannot be a future Week. It has to follow the 69th Week directly!

So, from 457 BC to 27 AD (roughly) takes you from Artaxerxes' Decree to the start of Jesus' ministry. The Roman king/caesar brought an end to temple sacrifices and offerings by putting Jesus to death. Later, it desolated the city of Jerusalem and the sanctuary. That is the essence of Dan 9.24-27.

The Roman Army, the "people of the prince to come," was the "abomination of desolation," which Jesus identified as such in the Olivet Discourse, in particular Luke 21.
Yes that's for the first set, check my word for word translation, it lines up with the themes that are developed in the N.T; I just followed the text, and it fits to well.