Hi all -)
Firstly i wan't to make it clear that i'm not here,neither did i start this thread,to cause any kind of serious argument,inflame the topic or offend any '' genuine christians out there''. I say genuine because those are the people who im asking this question,not the people who were baptised at birth or attend church but dont truely believe in god,or follow jesus christs teachings.( yet call themselves christians)
My questions is this..it is a very obvious contradiction to anyone who approaches religion with logic rather than desperation..i'll get straight to the point.
The bible clearly states that anyone who doesnt accept jesus christ as their salvation will go to hell.
I'n reference to accepting him as your saviour we should all know that this generaly means truelly understanding( or trying to ) the very reasons why he was here and sent to earth,the purpose of his teachings and why its so important to understand the reasons for his crucification and therefore accepting that he played the vital role in creating the bridge between man and god,heaven and hell..life and death ..etc..
now...The average person,lets say an atheist or someone who has there own beleif system or spiritual connection with god that doesnt include christ,someone who doesnt believe in a god or any gods,but, lives a good life and by good i mean that person genuinly has a good nature and spirit and a genuine sense of humanity and clear moral values,he dies without having accepted christ....the bible clearly says he goes to hell,for ever,and ever and ever...we dont need to go over the nature of hell because quite frankly everyone knows that being a place completely abandoned by god etc and void of all things good it must be a seriously horrible place to exist,and thats not figuring into the equasion that there are supposidly demons and other evils that dwell there tormenting ppl..
so this guy who was a nice person he goes to hell..he didnt accept christ...i have to stress again that the bible cleary says once you arrive in hell there is no hope of ever getting out. ..its forever,this un barable torment and anguish.
now..god is supposed to be a god of love...passion.patience..understanding and so on,and so on...but? on thew subject of gods nature and hes ''justness'' is it just to condem a human soul to hell for all eternity( lets consider eternity is a very long time) for not accepting jesus christ? and remember,this person was a good person. hes biggest sin being not accepting jesus into his life,but even still,for maybe the 60-70 years or so that he spent on this earth,does an everlasting place of torment match up to his '' sin/crimes ''? im sorry but even though i understand the nature of accepting christ ,i just cant love and respect a god that would eternily damn a person for the above mentioned sin..as i see it that is a serious misjustice and thats just when u weigh up the sin to crime ratio..
wouldnt it just have been more wise not to create mankind in the first place? knowing that so many good people would die without acceptiing christ and go to this place of hell?
which leads to the question..is mankind capable of being more just,and forgiving than god? i know for one that i couldnt do the very same thing..i could never conciously punish someone to such an extent and for so long for the said thing...regardless of how important christs significance is,it just isn't a just punishment in my opinion.
thoughts on the subject would be interesting as id like to see what any christians have to say about it
Firstly i wan't to make it clear that i'm not here,neither did i start this thread,to cause any kind of serious argument,inflame the topic or offend any '' genuine christians out there''. I say genuine because those are the people who im asking this question,not the people who were baptised at birth or attend church but dont truely believe in god,or follow jesus christs teachings.( yet call themselves christians)
My questions is this..it is a very obvious contradiction to anyone who approaches religion with logic rather than desperation..i'll get straight to the point.
The bible clearly states that anyone who doesnt accept jesus christ as their salvation will go to hell.
I'n reference to accepting him as your saviour we should all know that this generaly means truelly understanding( or trying to ) the very reasons why he was here and sent to earth,the purpose of his teachings and why its so important to understand the reasons for his crucification and therefore accepting that he played the vital role in creating the bridge between man and god,heaven and hell..life and death ..etc..
now...The average person,lets say an atheist or someone who has there own beleif system or spiritual connection with god that doesnt include christ,someone who doesnt believe in a god or any gods,but, lives a good life and by good i mean that person genuinly has a good nature and spirit and a genuine sense of humanity and clear moral values,he dies without having accepted christ....the bible clearly says he goes to hell,for ever,and ever and ever...we dont need to go over the nature of hell because quite frankly everyone knows that being a place completely abandoned by god etc and void of all things good it must be a seriously horrible place to exist,and thats not figuring into the equasion that there are supposidly demons and other evils that dwell there tormenting ppl..
so this guy who was a nice person he goes to hell..he didnt accept christ...i have to stress again that the bible cleary says once you arrive in hell there is no hope of ever getting out. ..its forever,this un barable torment and anguish.
now..god is supposed to be a god of love...passion.patience..understanding and so on,and so on...but? on thew subject of gods nature and hes ''justness'' is it just to condem a human soul to hell for all eternity( lets consider eternity is a very long time) for not accepting jesus christ? and remember,this person was a good person. hes biggest sin being not accepting jesus into his life,but even still,for maybe the 60-70 years or so that he spent on this earth,does an everlasting place of torment match up to his '' sin/crimes ''? im sorry but even though i understand the nature of accepting christ ,i just cant love and respect a god that would eternily damn a person for the above mentioned sin..as i see it that is a serious misjustice and thats just when u weigh up the sin to crime ratio..
wouldnt it just have been more wise not to create mankind in the first place? knowing that so many good people would die without acceptiing christ and go to this place of hell?
which leads to the question..is mankind capable of being more just,and forgiving than god? i know for one that i couldnt do the very same thing..i could never conciously punish someone to such an extent and for so long for the said thing...regardless of how important christs significance is,it just isn't a just punishment in my opinion.
thoughts on the subject would be interesting as id like to see what any christians have to say about it