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Coping with a sexless marriage


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My wife and I have been married 30 years. I love her very much and will remain committed to our marriage forever. If asked, she will say I have been a good husband. Attentive, accommodating, romantic. I have provided her a good home, am a good father to my children, and am her biggest fan. She began loosing interest in sex soon after our first child was born 25 years ago. Over the years, sexual intimacy became less of a priority for her, lacking in both quantity and quality. Not because of my lack of attentiveness, tho. As the kids grew, I took more and more pleasure in meeting her every need, loving her in many innovative ways (both sexual and non-sexual). As I noticed intimacy diminishing, I would talk with her about my concerns, being both specific about my needs and understanding about her changes. We have also seen a Christian Counselor. We have had intercourse once in several years.

I am in need of some advice in how to cope with a sexless marriage and, at the same time, keep the marriage strong. I'm not looking for ways to get my wife to have more sex. I'll have to keep praying about that. I am just feel so very alone without the intimacy that we once enjoyed and that provided me with such emotional satisfaction. Any thoughts?
I am just feel so very alone without the intimacy that we once enjoyed and
that provided me with such emotional satisfaction. Any thoughts?

I think there comes a time when a marrage must be defined by more love and divotion
without the expectation of sex. As we get older what will matter more is deep emotional
commitment to the other's stability, especially if the marrage progresses long into the years
the expectation that one of us will depart before the other. Love must at that point be more
than the expectation of sex.
I don't know if there is any one solution to your problem. Maybe counseling would work. Maybe someone else telling her that what she is doing is wrong will work.

If I were you, I would definitely drive home the message that she is sinning and quote I Corinthians 7.

Physically, are you making yourself as attractive as you can be for your age? Is there anything you can do in terms of physical fitness to turn her on? Are you strong? Can you carry her in your arms?

I can't say any of this will work in a pure sexless marriage, but you can experiment with it a little and see. If you've always tried a kind, gentle, 'nice guy' approach to sex, it might be worth it to try a different technique.

You can also try a kind of hard line approach and tell her that her defrauding you of sex is wrong, and it is going to stop right now. She is going to start having sex with you. You could be really firm and unyielding about it. The weird thing about it is if that actually turns her on on some level, though on another level she may not like it. She may just accept what you say if you are unyielding about it. "Oh, I can't get away with ignoring my husbands needs anymore. Okay." Throwing in a 'you are still young and sexy and I am going to enjoy you" might work. You don't force her, of course, but you can talk to her in an insistent manner about it, and throw in the attitude of 'that's just how it's going to be'.

You can also pursue her sexually and not be deterred. Try to seduce her. One thing to do is warm her up, like really long kisses-- dip her like you are dancing the tango and do it. Show her a lot of affection throughout the day, but crank it up to the type of physical affection you would only be socially allowed to show your wife (grabs and squeezes.) Start with less sexual stuff and work your way up throughout the day. Make some comments about what you are going to do to her that night. If she says 'no' turn it into a joke, but still pursuing her. "You know you'll like it" might buy you some mileage. You can be playful about it.

If she really turns you down hard, act like it doesn't bother you, and start up the flirting an hour later. If she says 'no' and you argue with her, you are telling her she has the power to stop sex for that night with a 'no' hours before bedtime. If you argue 'but honey, we haven't had sex in a long time' you are telling her that her 'no' had the power to stop sex many hours later in the day. If she says 'no' drop the matter for the time being. She can change her mind. Bring bring the matter up again (not necessarily through discussing sex, but through action-- flirting, caressing.). She may be in a different frame of mind in a few hours after she said 'no' after you've flirted with her and shown her more physical affection. A big argument about sex a few hours before bedtime could result in no sex at bedtime. Dropping the matter if she starts to resist or deflecting it with a flirtatious joke may keep the matter open later in the day.

When bedtime comes, you can also try candles, laying there taking up the whole bed ready dressed in a way that it is obvious what you expect her to do.

The idea is not to force her into anything. Part of what you may experiment with is whether or not the idea of the insistent lover who must have her actually turns her on. It may be what she wants but didn't realize it before, especially if you've been the type to approach her in a softer manner. What I mean by a softer manner is trying to arouse her interests with flowers, foot rubs, running errands. If being the kind of lover who goes to her window and sings love songs doesn't work, maybe if you became more of a cave man lover who picks her up and carries her into the woods. Maybe she'd be more into that kind of guy. You don't force anything on her physically of course. But you can let her know that sex-starving you isn't going to happen and you insist it not happen, pursue her, and be the man who must have her. If I were in your shoes, and pursuing my wife aggressively got me some less than enthusiastic 'duty sex', I'd take it. If she gets back into duty sex mode, she may start to enjoy herself.

It's funny how acting a different way can make the night turn out differently. The husband who asks his wife meekly, "Honey, would you like to fool around?" might hear, "no." But if he comes home from work, bursts into the house, goes over to his wife, picks her up in his arms kissing her and carries her off the to bedroom with a lot of kissing and passion, things might turn out differently. Might.

If she gets angry or rejects you in a really firm manner, you can try making a flirtatious joke, dropping the matter for a while, or dropping it for the night and acting like it doesn't bother you. Don't get angry, pouty, and definitely not whiny if she won't have sex with you.

It's also interesting that sometimes we people say we want one thing, but really want another. I think us men may see this more with women than with ourselves. A woman might say she wants a husband who does more chores and that she would have sex with her husband if he did more chores. But he washed more dishes and mops more floors, and she has less sex with him. There was actually a study that showed that couples that had more gender role distinction for housework had more sex. So a wife says she would have more sex if her husband did the dishes, gave her flowers, rubbed her feet, and was so nice gentle and romantic. She thinks that's true. But what she really wants is a masculine tough guy, the rock drummer type, or the biker on the Harley type, or some kind of Roman soldier with a sword and big muscles. Or she just wants a man who acts tough and masculine, or insistent in his pursuit, and when her husband starts acting differently, it turns her on, even though intellectually she things she wants something else. I don't know what your wife wants, but it's worth experimenting with.

It also helps to think through the ethics of whatever approach you take. Is it selfish for you to want to 'seduce' your own wife, maybe even put a little healthy pressure on her to get her to do her 'duties'? I suppose it could be done with a selfish attitude. As a man with unmet sexual needs, it may feel selfish because you are trying to get her to meet your needs, and she's not met them in so long it may seem unusual and you may feel undeserving.

As a Christian man you should rule your house well. As head of your wife, you should desire your wife's sanctification. As a fellow believer who loves her, you want her to do what is right before the Lord. Her sex-starving you is bad for her relationship with the Lord. It's a sin. If you can persuade her to stop sinning (without sinning yourself) that's a good thing. It may be hard to separate out your motivations since what you are wanting from her is something your body desires, and so that may feel fleshly. It also helps to keep in mind that Proverbs 5 commands a man to always be enraptured with his wife's love. You wanting to have frequent sex with your wife is a good, noble desire. It's what God gave you as a man to 'prevent fornication.' There is even a mystery of Christ in 'two shall be one flesh.' So it is good to study the word and think through whether it is right for you to pursue your wife and how.

Also pray about it. Some of the things I've suggested won't work on every woman. If I were you, I'd really pray about it, try to figure out things in the past that turned my wife on and start experimenting with whether being a more persistent lover got any response. Part of it may be giving her what she wants. Part of it may be getting her to realize she's not going to get away with cheating you out of a reasonable, normal healthy sex life like the Bible teaches couples to have, and that she doesn't have the right to decide all on her own if you two are ever going to have sex again. She needs to take this aspect of marriage seriously and act like she is your wife.
Your wife libido and thyroid are not working.
You have a blood-bought right to plea the blood of Jesus for healing over your wife, and the right to go boldly to God with your request.

Therefore pray and say: Father, in the name of Jesus, I declare that by the stripes of Jesus my wife is healed from all sickness and disease. I believe I receive manifestation over my wife healing through the blood of Jesus. Amen.” To get a clearer picture of this, just think of all God has done for us so far because of the blood. Everything we have ever received from God, every miracle and answered prayer, has been accomplished as a result of the sacrifice Jesus made over two thousand years ago.

Satan has tried to keep us ignorant of the value of the blood of Jesus. He knows how powerful the blood of Jesus is, and he knows if we remain ignorant, we will not appropriate its power in our daily lives.
I want to encourage you begin to appropriate the blood of Jesus in your personal battles by boldly proclaiming your blood-bought rights. When you do, you will get Heaven’s attention because God will always honor His Son.

Nothing can stand against you when you know the authority you operate in because of the blood. His blood has given you the victory over every battle you face! Begin to proclaim your status today. Speak your faith out loud concerning what the blood of Jesus has accomplished for you, knowing that your breakthrough is very near.

If you are in a fight, battling for your health, remember you are the healed, protecting your health.
a. He bore our sicknesses, weaknesses, and distresses. By His stripes we are healed (Isaiah 53:4-5, AMP, Matthew 8:17, 1 Peter 2:24).
b. Use the above Scriptures as weapons against disease.
c. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

This is Godly advice!

I have certainly worked to remain as attractive as a man my age can. I have always been clean and physically fit. I have tried all combinations that I know of to encourage her. Since I enjoy doing things for her, it is not difficult for me to do housework, take her out on regular dates, celebrate special occasions, romance her...everything to help her have a happy life. I have also had very specific discussions with her about the importance of intimacy in our relationship. I just can't seem to connect.

Yes, I know withholding sex is contrary to my understanding of God's word. So does she. Yet, I am to love her as Christ loved the Church. And, thank God, He loves me even with my faults. It is just difficult to accept that she will know the depth of my love for her, and I will be left without the loving partner I married. Never thought I would test God's promises like this. Thanks for ya'lls response.
I have certainly worked to remain as attractive as a man my age can. I have always been clean and physically fit. I have tried all combinations that I know of to encourage her. Since I enjoy doing things for her, it is not difficult for me to do housework, take her out on regular dates, celebrate special occasions, romance her...everything to help her have a happy life. I have also had very specific discussions with her about the importance of intimacy in our relationship. I just can't seem to connect.

I've been reading about what women find attractive in their husbands and there are a lot of theories. Some websites argue that women aren't attracted to what they say and think they want. They say they want an understanding sensitive man who helps do the laundry. But find themselves more attracted to an 'alpha male.' That's why some girls go for 'bad boys', rock band singers and biker gang members. Alphas can also be CEOs and other types of guys that women are attracted to and other men respect.

'Beta' behaviors would be things like doing house work and giving foot rubs. That's all well and good, but if it's all beta and not enough alpha, she may not be attracted to you. Being the one in charge, and acting like the one in charge is alpha. Ordering for her in a restaurant in alpha. Planning a surprise date and not letting her know where you are going every step of the way is alpha. Standing up for yourself if she were showing you disrespect is alpha, or can be. Asking her permission to do stuff is really bad beta. Whining about not having sex is beta.

With something like this, her shutting off sex, I think you should be very firm about it with her that this is unacceptable. I suppose you could get witnesses and take the matter before the church. I read that the Puritans disciplined a man once a few centuries ago in New England for not sleeping with his wife. In terms of the Bible, I guess that makes sense, but that sure would be an uncomfortable situation. I know of one guy who told his wife if she wasn't going to sleep with him, she couldn't sleep in the bed with him. That sounds harsh, but if doing something to jolt her out of her complacency over sin helps her get out of it, it may be for her good.

Love doesn't always mean being 'nice' or doing nothing when someone is doing wrong. You don't want to enable sin. You could pray about what you could rightly do to make it difficult for her to continue in her sin, to help her out of it. If you had teenagers in your household and you did nothing if they were disrespectful to you, let them stay up until 2 AM every night, did not make them do any housework, didn't do anything to them if they stole money, you wouldn't be doing them any good or ruling your house well. This issue may seem a lot less extreme, and it is your wife, not your teens, but as her head and as a fellow believer, you need to consider what you can do to help her live a godly life. Part of living a godly life is for her to live up to her duties as a wife. Jesus sent a letter to seven churches in Revelation. The church is the bride of Christ. Look at some of the language Christ used, even threatening the sword to those in a church who were involved in fornication and idolatry. He was firm and insistent when the church wasn't doing what it should be doing. He didn't just say nice non-confrontational things and pretend like their sin was okay. In some cases, he told them of consequences if they would not repent. He insisted that they change.

Your wife's problem could also have some kind of medical root to it. She should do what she can to be a good wife to you in this area of her life, though.
Married 32+ years. Know your plight. I would suggest it is part of growing older. But you said it started 25 years ago. Ours was just fine until a few years ago. Sciatica and this pain and that pain and I got so afraid of hurting my wife that I was the first to have less of a drive. I love my wife so very much and she has been so kind and loving and I would walk through burning ground glass for her... how could I impose a sexual urge on her f it was going to hurt her?

The way to cope is long soapy showers when the frustration is too much.

Hollywood and people that are just talking put such unrealistic emphasis on sex (especially past a certain age). In the case of child bearing, as much as childbirth hurts (I mean as much as I hear it hurts) I don't know how any woman could ever want to risk having that much pain again... LOL

In any event I am closer to my wife now than ever. And the line of distinction where I end and she begins in harder to distinguish every year. In the beginning it was sex sex sex and for a time all marriage seemed to be was about sex (1 Corinthians 6-7 etc). But that's not ALL that it is. In fact for better or worse in sickness and in health is a pretty big risk to take if sex is all that it is about to some. What if they can't have sex? Medical, disability, etc. This is not a way out of marriage... in sickness and in health for worse as well as better...

And our sex saturated society is no help especially to us guys where it sometimes seems every female in the world is out to show us what we are missing...

Soapy hot showers...


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